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müdliche Englischprüfung
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Anmeldungsdatum: 14.06.2008
Beiträge: 2

BeitragVerfasst am: 14. Jun 2008 13:28    Titel: müdliche Englischprüfung Antworten mit Zitat


ich bin in der 10 Klasse auf einer Gesamtschule und habe am 23.06 eine mündliche Englischprüfung. Einer der Schwerpunkte davon ist ein Referat über America is discovery by Columbus mit mindestens 20 Sätzen vorzutragen. Ich habe mal zu Hause eine Referat verfasst und wollte mal fragen, ob ihn nicht einer kontrollieren, verberssern oder ergänzen kann.

Vielen Dank in vorraus

Columbus was an Italian.
He cam from Genoa and was a discoverer.
At first Columbus sailed to Spain.
He needs money and Kings consent.
The king and the queen from Spain found the idea from Columbus good and given him the money.
The names of the king and queen were Ferdinand and Isabella.
Columbus sailed with three ships to San Salvador.
The names of the ships were Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria.
In the October 1942 Columbus reached San Salvador.
Columbus believed he was in Asia and called he natives Indios.
Columbus and his crews reached Asia.
In January 1493 Columbus sailed the Nina back to spain.
The Nina was has got natives an board and much treasure.
On the way back home the Nina and Pinta were separated.
And Columbus reached the Portuguese coast.
On the same day he sailed back to Spain.
In Palos he convinced Ferdinand and Isabella that he had found Asia

Anmeldungsdatum: 04.06.2008
Beiträge: 34

BeitragVerfasst am: 14. Jun 2008 15:41    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Netter Anfang... wie lange hast du denn schon Englisch? Informier dich nochmal, zur Not auch auf Deutsch, über das Leben von C.C., da gibt es nämlich viel mehr zu erzählen als das! Versuch auch überleitungen hineinzubauen, sonst klingt das zu abgehackt!

Anmeldungsdatum: 14.06.2008
Beiträge: 2

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Jun 2008 15:47    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

vielen dank für deine Antwort. ich hab jetzt versucht die sätze zu verbinden.

sind die beiden texte über america is discover by columbus und Biographie über bushido on ordung ?

Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa.
He was a discoverer.
In 1492 he accidentally discovered America.
He sailed on behalf of the Queen and the King of Spain.
He sailed with three ships to the west.
The names of the ships were Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria.
He believed, that he can found a new sea route to India.
The wind was great.
Columbus is oriented to the map and the compass.
The trip was longer than planned.
The food supplies were scarce
The crew were impatient.
Columbus, she tried to calm down and made false statements.
On October 1492 was land in sight.
Columbus and his men reached San Salvador.
He called the natives Indios
The Natives were friendly and gave Columbus food and water.
On January 1493 Columbus sailed back to Spain.
On his way back to spain, the Nina and Pinta were separated.
Columbus arrived Spain.
In Palos he convinced Ferdinand and Isabella that he had found Asia.

Bushido is a rapper. The name come from Japan and is translate “the way of the soldiar.” His right name is Mohamed Youssef Ferchichi. Bushido was born 1978 in Bonn. His parents are divorced. Bushido have not got a contact with his father. He grew up with his mother in Berlin. He visited a Gymansium in Berlin Tempelhof. After the 11 class, he made a apprentic as a painter. In his apprentice he met Fler. Bushido and Fler were best friends. They made music. In the year 2001 Bushido recorded his first Album King of Kingz and was famous. Than he change to the Label Aggroberlin. In the 2004 he open his own Label. His Label is called “ersguterjunge”. Since them he had a big success. Total Bushido wont 3 echos, 2 comets and 2 mtv awards. Bushido sold over 500.00 cds.

Anmeldungsdatum: 17.08.2006
Beiträge: 399

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Jun 2008 23:07    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Smuga hat Folgendes geschrieben:
vielen dank für deine Antwort. ich hab jetzt versucht die sätze zu verbinden.

sind die beiden texte über america is discover by columbus und Biographie über bushido on ordung ?

Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa.
He was a discoverer.
In 1492 he accidentally discovered America.
He sailed on behalf of the Queen and the King of Spain.
He sailed with three ships to the west.
The names of the ships were Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria.
He believed, that he could find a new sea route to India.
The wind was great. "great" klingt für mich hier irgendwie komisch
Columbus navigated by the help of map and compass.
The trip klingt auch etwas komisch wie wäre es mit "sea passage", was longer than planned.
The food supplies were scarce
The crew were impatient.
In October 1492 land was in sight.
Columbus and his men reached San Salvador.
He called the natives Indios
The Natives were friendly and gave Columbus food and water.
In January 1493 Columbus sailed back to Spain.
On his way back to spain, the Nina and Pinta were separated.
Columbus arrived in Spain.
In Palos he convinced Ferdinand and Isabella that he had found Asia.

Bushido is a rapper. The name comes from Japan and translates as “the way of the soldiar.” His right name is Mohamed Youssef Ferchichi. Bushido was born in Bonn in 1978. His parents are divorced. Bushido does not have contact with his father. He grew up with his mother in Berlin. He visited a Gymansium in Berlin Tempelhof. After the 11 class, he made an apprentic as a painter. In his apprentice he met Fler. Bushido and Fler were best friends. They made music. In the year 2001 Bushido recorded his first Album King of Kingz and was besser "became" famous. Then he changed to the Label Aggroberlin. In 2004 he opened his own Label. His Label is called “ersguterjunge”. Since then he had a big success. In total Bushido has won 3 echos, 2 comets and 2 mtv awards. Bushido sold over 500.00 cds.

Um deinen Text noch zu verbessern, könntest du versuchen noch ein paar Konkjunktionen einzubauen, sonst klingt das alles sehr abgehackt, für 10. Klasse ist das aber wohl noch in Ordnung

MfG Goldenhind

Anmeldungsdatum: 04.06.2008
Beiträge: 34

BeitragVerfasst am: 19. Jun 2008 10:12    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

was ich mit sätze verbinden meinte, ist dass du nen flüssigen text schreibst und nicht jeden satz ein eine neue zeile, das hört sich nämlich (vor allem im gesprochenen englisch) sehr komisch an... such dir nen paar synonyme für "then" raus und verusch die ein bissal abwechselnd herzunehmen!
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