Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 20. Feb 2006 09:30    Titel:

Hansy hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Thumbs up! Du bist Spitze Thumbs up!



Du bist Spitze
.....danke ..... Big Laugh Wink Prost
BeitragVerfasst am: 19. Feb 2006 21:18    Titel:

Thumbs up! Du bist Spitze Thumbs up!


BeitragVerfasst am: 19. Feb 2006 20:10    Titel: Aufgabe

@Hansy: danke für dein Feedback Augenzwinkern Gerne schaue ich nochmals über die folgenden Aufgaben smile

1. 'When will we alll leave here?' asked Duke.
Duke asked when they would all leave there richtig

2. 'Yesterday I had no hope at all,?' the knight said.
The knight said that he hadn't had no hope at all the day before.

3. C1B2 added, 'Last week things looked really bad.'
C1B2 added that the things had looked really bad the previous week.

4. 'You will never see tomorrow,' Rarth Daver told Obo.
Rarth Daver told Obo that he would never see the next/following day.

5. 'I want us to free the princess now,' shouted Obo.
Obo shouted that he wanted to free the princess then.

6. 'I must get away from here! I can feel the power!' screamed Rarth.
Rarth screamed that he had to get away from there and he could feel the power!

7. Obo said, 'Today is the first day of the rest of our lives.'
Obo said that that day was the first day of of the rest of their lives.

8. 'I will never forget this moment,' Duke whispered to Princess Druida.
The Duke whispered to Princess Druida that he would never forget that moment. richtig

Noch ein Link Tipp zum Thema Wink

Mit Zunge smile
BeitragVerfasst am: 19. Feb 2006 18:24    Titel:

Hallo Ulli!

Mit Zunge Mit Zunge Ich danke Dir vielmals. Mit Zunge Mit Zunge .

Wenn ich dich nochmals um Hilfe bitten könnte. traurig

Hier wiedermal meine Aufgabe und meine Lösung:

1. 'When will we alll leave here?' asked Duke.
Duke asked when they would all leave there
2. 'Yesterday I had no hope at all,?' the knight said.
The knight said that he have no hope at all Yesterday
3. C1B2 added, 'Last week things looked really bad.'
C1B2 added that the things are looking really bad last week.
4. 'You will never see tomorrow,' Rarth Daver told Obo.
Rarth Daver told Obo that he would never see tomorrow
5. 'I want us to free the princess now,' shouted Obo.
Obo shouted that he wanted to free the princess.
6. 'I must get away from here! I can feel the power!' screamed Rarth.
Rarth screamed that he must got away from her and he can feel the power!
7. Obo said, 'Today is the first day of the rest of our lives.'
Obo said that that day was the first day of of the rest of there lives.
8. 'I will never forget this moment,' Duke whispered to Princess Druida.
The Duke whispered to Princess Druida that he would never forget that moment
BeitragVerfasst am: 19. Feb 2006 17:52    Titel:

@Hansy: Wink Hier mein Korrekturvorschlag, die Sätze aus der Aufgabe stehen zuerst

Ah, I know now – it was butter that I needed.
1. He/She remembered that it had been butter he/she needed.

I will always love you.
2. He/She said he/she would always love him/her.

Class 9CH came in third in 19, 4 seconds.
3. He/She said that Class 9CH had came in third in 19.4 seconds.

Go on, have a go. Just one won’t hurt you.
4. He/She suggested (für Vorschläge) to have a go. Just on wouldn’t hurt you.

I don’t know. Perhaps 367 is the answer.
5. He told me that he didn’t know , but perhaps 367 was the answer.

We both think you’re right.
6. They said / believed that I was right.

Me? I am King Kong’s little brother.
7. He/She agreed he/she was King Kong's little brother.

Well, you’ve to click here and hit the control P. That’s how it works.
8. He/She told me that I had to click there and hit control P. That’s how it would work. smile
BeitragVerfasst am: 19. Feb 2006 16:25    Titel: Brauche Help bei der Umwandlung in die Indirekte Rede

Hi ich habe wiedermal ein Prob. Ich soll aus folgenden Sätzen, die in der direkten Rede stehen in die indirekte Rede umwandeln. Vllt könntet ihr so nett sein und mir bei der Kontrolle helfen ^^

Hier noch eine große Hilfe:

Meine Lösungsversuche:

1. He remembered that he had needed butter.

2. He said he would love you always.

3. He said that the Class 9CH had come in third in 19.4 seconds.

4. He said that I should have a go. He added that one would not hurt me.

5. He told me that he doesn’t know it, but he is thinking it is 367.

6. They said that they thought I was right.

7. He said that he was King Kong's little brother.

8. He said me that I had to click there and hit control P. and he said that was how it worked.


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