Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 30. Mai 2005 18:05    Titel: Sätze

Hi Maxx Wink

bis auf den letzten Satz hast du alles richtig gelöst, super Tanzen smile

Auf regret kann sowohl der Infinitiv als auch das Gerund stehen

and frank wonders whether he will regret listening (not listen) to her all the time. maybe he missed some important piece of advice?

In diesem Fall: Infinitiv

....and Frank wonders whether he will regret not to listen to her all the time.

LG Ulli Popcorn!
BeitragVerfasst am: 30. Mai 2005 17:42    Titel:

Danke! Wink

habs jetzt nochmal überarbeitet: stimmt das so?

Remember to call(call) us as often as possible even if this means trying (try) several times. We´d always like to know where you are.

- Don´t forget to hide (hide) your money. Frank, be careful with your pashe understood everything and thesport and try to use (use) the credit card most of the time. Most Americans stopped paying (pay) cash a long time ago. I´ll never forget to pay (pay) with a ...bill once, they seemed to check (check) the bill forever until they finally accepted it.

Joey´s mother really felt responsible for this young german and she went on for a long time. She only stopped sometimes to ask (ask) him if he then she would cunderstood everything and
then she would continue: well, there is one more thing i meant to tell (tell) you...but there were many more things and frank wonders whether he will regret listening (not listen) to her all the time. maybe he missed some important piece of advice?

lg M.
BeitragVerfasst am: 30. Mai 2005 15:14    Titel: gerunde and infinitive

@ Maxx: auch dir kann ich hierzu die Grammtikseite von /Grammatik empfehlen. Dort findest du eine Menge (auch Verblisten) zum Thema. Dann findest du auch die "Antworten" zu den Sätzen.

Check mal. Augenzwinkern

LG Ulli smile
BeitragVerfasst am: 30. Mai 2005 14:09    Titel: Gerund or Infinitive


kann mir bitte jemand die einsetzungen korrigieren und evtl. auch die richtige lösung erklären??
Habs jetzt einfach mal so gemacht, wie ich denke... unglücklich unglücklich unglücklich

-Remember calling (call) us as often as possible even if this means trying (try) several times. We´d always like to know where you are.

- Don´t forget to hide (hide) your money. Frank, be careful with your pashe understood everything and thesport and try to use (use) the credit card most of the time. Most Americans stopped paying (pay) cash a long time ago. I´ll never forget to pay (pay) with a ...bill once, they seemed to check (check) the bill forever until they finally accepted it.

Joey´s mother really felt responsible for this young german and she went on for a long time. She only stopped sometimes asking (ask) him if he then she would cunderstood everything and
then she would continue: well, there is one more thing i meant telling (tell) you...but there were many more things and frank wonders whether he will regret listening (not listen) to her all the time. maybe he missed some important piece of advice?

Ich wäre euch sehr, sehr dankbar! HELP! Hilfe lg M.

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