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BeitragVerfasst am: 12. Sep 2015 14:47    Titel: Short story (summary) and characterisation

Meine Frage:
ich schreibe bald eine Klausur über short stories (summary) und wollte fragen ob man mir dabei hilft die short story Locker 160 zu korrigieren und ich muss auch noch ne Charakterisierung schreiben. Auch ein paar Tipps wären nicht schlecht oder Veränderungsvorschläge.

Meine Ideen:
The short story "Locker 160" written by Lee Busselmann and the overall topic of the text is about bulling.
Two girls want to make a joke about Miriam in the school, because she was weird. They put a note in her locker and they want to know the reaction of Miriam. After her reaction, they laugh and want to see more of her reactions.This continues a few days and the jokes get more and more worse. At the last joke Miriam does not come to the class. She wants to kill herself, but somebody stops and saves her life. The two girls laugh at the end about Miriam, because she wants to suicide.

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