Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 21. Nov 2012 18:26    Titel: Motivationsschreiben korrigieren

Meine Frage:
Dear xy Team !

My Name is xy and i found your site on the internet. Since two weeks i am looking for a chance to spent one year as a volunteer in another country.
This year i will get my diploma from German secondary school qualifying for university admission (Abitur ???) and it is very important for me to begin my study after one yeatr in another country in order to get to know other cultures and states. . I am a dedicated & motivated person and really want to help other kids and adolescents, it is a very good way to know my self and bring my social intercourse at a new level (?).

irgendwie weis ich nicht wie jetzt gut zum ende komme, danke schonmal für eure hilfe

Meine Ideen:
Ist ein Motivationschreiben für ein FSJ in Thailand, meine Daten muss ich seperat eingeben, deswegen hab ich hier nicht drin.

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