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BeitragVerfasst am: 27. Sep 2012 23:58    Titel:

Bist du noch interessiert an einer Korrektur, dann setze ich mich da morgen mal dran?

BeitragVerfasst am: 23. Sep 2012 22:00    Titel: Kann sich jemand bitte meinen Aufsatz durchlesen (Comment)

Meine Frage:
Es geht um pro und contra der handynutzung. ich entschuldige mich jetzt schon einmal für die länge. danke smile)

Recently I have read in my local newspaper an article about the increasing use of mobile phones in today's society. At the age of ten almost everbody seems to have a cell phone. Thus I have thought about the pros and cons which I will list in the following. At the end I will come to my own conclusion.
I would like to beginn with the cons of having a cell phone. First I would like to point out that using a mobile phone may be very expensive. People, especially teenagers may run into debt because they have no control about the length of their phone calls and the number of their text messages. The consequences are very high phone bills, which the juveniles often can not pay. Because of that reason a lot of people are indebted already at an early age, especially if their parents also can't pay the bills.
Another significant argument against handies is that the radiation is dangerous to your health. A WHO ( World Health Organization) study from the year 2011 showed that the mobile phone radiation can be possibly carcinogenic. The frequent use of mobile phones could increase the risk of brain tumors. Another study from the year 2004, which was carried out by Hungarian scientists showed that up to 30 percent fewer sperm may be the result of cell phones, which are carried in the pocket. There is not only the danger of infertility or cancer. There is also the danger of getting addicted to your mobile phone. The consequences may be depressions and/or anxiety. Furthermore, a lot of pupils who are constant at their mobile phone, write worse marks than pupils, who use hardly their mobile phone.

On the one hand it is a bad to have a cell phone, on the other hand there are also a lot of advantages of using a handy. For instance it is a blessing emergency when you can call for help. I can remember that our last English teacher told us about the day on which she changed her opinion about mobile phones. She was always against cell phones because she was of the opinion that handies are unecessary. One day, she told us, she went on hiking with her class and one of her pupils got suddenly an asthma attack. A classmate called the emergency number and the boy was taken to an hospital. He just escaped being killed.
Another significant advantage is that you can tell e.g. your parents or friends when you will be late. Everybody knows this situation: You miss the bus, you had to be kept in after school or you have a doctor's appointment and something intervenes. For that reason it would be advantageous to have a cell phone because you can let your parents and friends know, that you will be late and they have nothing to worry about. In addition you can cancel appointments at any time.
Cell phones can not only replace telephones, they are also able to replace computer. In case you are connected to the internet you can check your e-mails. This ability is very useful for example for businessmen, who contact her business partner with e-mails. In contrast to that, one may not forget that you can also look up information you need ( if you are connected to the internet with your cell phone). For instance if you're on the way to school and you remember that you have not done your homework yet, for which you need the internet, you can make your homeworks on the train or on the bus. Not only you can get everyone on the phone , also you can be contacted by phone. When your friends call you at home and you're not there, they can reach you with your mobile phone anytime, wherever you are. In short: you can stay in contact with your friends.
Mobile phones also have technical advantages: Most mobile phones have cameras, so you can take pictures and make films. Instead of carrying everywhere your large camera, you can also use very easy your mobile phone for taking photos. In addition the mobile phone cameras are mostly just as well as the expensive cameras. The same also applies for MP3 Player: You can listen to music instead of having an expensive MP3-Player like an iPod.

Taking all arguments into consideration, we can say that it is a very hard decision wheter to use a cell phone or not. Nevertheless, I've decided to use a cell phone, because for me the advantages of a mobile phones were more convincing and I couldn't imagine a life without a mobile phone. Phones are always needed: whether you want to call with your friends or want to give the parents modest if you have missed the bus for example. It is simply a very good alternative to phones, cameras, MP3 players, etc. Of course you can not forget his disadvantages, for example the danger of losing the ability to talk face to face with other people or the danger of cancer or infertility. But as long as you keep everything within limits, one should absolutely buy a cell phone.

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