Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 28. Sep 2011 01:24    Titel: Re: Avatar ++

hanisepp hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Mein Englisch hält sich leider in Grenzen.

Wenn du das in Grenzen halten nennst, will ich nicht wissen wie hoch deine Ansprüche sind.
Ich finde den Text gut, also: bloß keine falsche Bescheidenheit. Augenzwinkern
Ich gebe dir daher nur Tipps, wie es besser klingt.

I’d like to tell you about the movie “Avatar”. I enjoy (enjoyed) this movie (very much) because it’s the best (partially) computer-animated movie I’ve ever seen. James Cameron, the director, is one of the hottest (best) in Hollywood. He directed movies like Terminator, Titanic - or even - Avatar.
But it isn’t (only) the plot which makes it special. The story simply tells us about noble savages, cross humans (human hybrids) and a man who has to earn a populace’s respect. The special part of this movie is the optical (visual). The Na’vis (Natives) are painted blue all over the body and adorned like we know it from Indians. There are many scenes with awesome beautiful locations. Most of the film plays in the forest, even in the jungle. The environment on this planet is so (plenty, extremely, very, excruciatingly) exotic and colourful. If you haven’t yet, you really have to watch this movie. It's simply a must. It’s also available in 3D!

Wie gesagt, es sind nur Vorschläge, nimm's mir nicht krumm, dass ich ungefragte Ideen mit eingebracht habe.
BeitragVerfasst am: 27. Sep 2011 19:47    Titel: Avatar ++

Hallo Leute

Ich darf für die Schule einige kurze Texte verfassen, welche benotet werden. Deshalb wäre ich froh, wenn sich jemand schnell 2 Minuten Zeit nehmen könnte, drüber zu fliegen. Mein Englisch hält sich leider in Grenzen.

Hier der 1. Text, es geht um den Film Avatar.

I’d like to tell you about the movie “Avatar”. I enjoy this movie because it’s the best (partially) computer-animated movie I’ve ever seen. James Cameron, the director, is one of the hottest in Hollywood. He directed movies like Terminator, Titanic - or even - Avatar.
But it isn’t the plot which makes it special. The story simply tells us about noble savages, cross humans and a man who has to earn a populace’s respect. The special part of this movie is the optical. The Na’vis are painted blue all over the body and adorned like we know it from Indians. There are many scenes with awesome beautiful locations. Most of the film plays in the forest, even in the jungle. The environment on this planet is so exotic and colourful. If you haven’t yet, you really have to watch this movie. It’s also available in 3D!

Ich danke jetzt schon vielmal für die Hilfe

Liebe Grüsse

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