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BeitragVerfasst am: 10. Jun 2011 21:27    Titel: Analyse

Meine Frage:
Dieser Text (Kommentar) und diese aufgaben:
1) Outline the use of US resources and its nationwide and global consequences, according to the author.
2) How does Tucker try to capture her readers´ interest and to convince them? Consider the beginning and the end of the comment, its language and the tone of the author.

Meine Ideen:
1) The article ? US Excess Vs. Nature?s Limits? by Cynthia Tucker, published in the Baltimore Sun, on November 19, 2007 deals with the US use of resources and the effects on the global climate. The article starts with an enumeration of different effects on the environment in the USA. The author describes the environment as full of dry land and drought, of parched landscapes and prayers for rain. He also says that the American way of consumption reinforces the climate change. In addition Cynthia Tucker presents how wasteful the Americans use the fossil fuels by talking about their big cars like Hummer which consume many petroleum and produce many C02 emissions. He also makes clear that the USA want to live excessive and the Americans want to live an independent way of life without thinking about the aftermaths of the global climate. The author mentions that also other countries like China and India want to have the same high life qualities and that the USA do not have the right to criticise them because the Americans are a bad example for an environment-friendly life. He also tries to make clear that all the money for the petrol goes to the oil-rich countries like Dubai and those countries build very expensive and beautiful hotels, restaurant and entertainment places. At end of the article she appeals to the Americans to be more prudent with the non-renewable resources and to live a more environment-friendly life and be an example for other countries.
2) Z. 8-9 : Antithesis -> Funktion??
repetitions (l. 17, 25, 35) of "we" -> rouse corporate feeling
Seht ihr noch mehr Stilmittel und deren Funktion? Bin bei sowas relativ platt. Und wie sieht es mit dem Anfang und Ende aus, also Sprache und Ton? Ist die erste Aufgabe gut? Was kann man verbessern=?

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