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BeitragVerfasst am: 10. Apr 2011 17:33    Titel: Englisch Schulaufgabe BILDBESCHREIBUNG am 12.April bitte sch

Meine Frage:
Also ich habe am Dienstag eine mündliche Englischschulaufgabe und ich will mich mal testen.
Ich habe dieses Bild beschrieben.

On the picture you can see a very big city in the night,all the buildings are glowing.Maybe the city is Singapur.In the lower part you can see a big river and over the river ia a arch.In the central part of the picture is a very beautiful roundel building which is reflecting the glow of the other buildings.Behing the conctruction there are lots of lovely skyscrapers that are flashing.And at least we can see in the left part a piece of park.

Meine Ideen:
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