Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 14. Jun 2010 17:56    Titel:

Nein, "to refuse" heißt "ablehnen". Vermeiden hiese "avoid".

frank b
BeitragVerfasst am: 13. Jun 2010 23:36    Titel:

Ja danke,
habe die Klausur mitlerweile zurück.
Ist ne 3 geworden.
Oh habe wohl pretend mit refuse verwechselt
refuse heißt doch vermeiden oder?
Trotzdem danke ;>
BeitragVerfasst am: 11. Jun 2010 14:01    Titel: Vorschlag

Meine Ideen:
The film american history x is about a former neo-nazi skinhead, who tries to prevent his younger brother from going down the same wrong path as he did.
It all begins when Dereck once had a conversation with his father about affirmative action.
The affirmative action pretend (?- pretend heißt vortäuschen) the discrimination against blacks.
The father taught Dereck not to believe every word they say, he wants Dereck to question these things, because his father made the experience, that blacks and whites were not treated equally anymore.
The father is a fireman with 2 black people in his squad, who are not as qualified as 2 white candidates.
The father calles the whole issue "nigger bullshit."
When Mr. Vinyard (Wer ist das? - Du hast ihn noch nicht erwähnt.) is killed by a black drug dealer, Dereck's hate grows.
Dereck meets Cameron, a leader of a neo-nazi group,
Cameron convinced him of the neo-nazi's ideology and Cameron wants Dereck to convince his friends of it, too.
The group of neo-nazis becomes bigger and bigger and Dereck's position more important, Dereck shows an offensive behaviour against his family. When they are talking about blacks, he gets out of control, but he feels sorry for it later on, because of these things his family, except Danny, doesn't trust him anymore. Dereck is like an idol for Danny.
One night three black people try to steal Derecks truck, which once belonged to his dead father.
Dereck stops them and kills 2 of them, the third can escape.
After that Dereck has to spend some time in jail. At first he belongs to a group of neo-nazis in prison, but later he recognises, that every race has good and bad people. And that Cameron abused him.
Cameron doesn't care about a specific attitude, but of his own welfare, this fits the group of nazis in jail, because they deal with mexicians, although they hate them, this disgusts Dereck so much that he doesn't want to be a neo-nazi anymore.
One reason for Derecks surviving in prison as a loner, is his black friend, who is divided in the same work.
The friend is guiltlessly in prison and Dereck sees a good person in him, so that's the proof, that there are nice black people ,too.
When Dereck is released from jail, his friends celebrate him like a hero, but he doesn't want this, he tells Cameron to leave him and his brother alone, but Cameron refuses, so Danny tells Dereck what happend to him in jail, so that he could convince Danny. Everything seems to turn right, but it wasn't meant to be.
Danny gets killed in school by a black guy, who Danny provoked before, by blowing smoke in his face, that is the end of the movie.
I think the film shows very well, how people can change because they havethe wrong rolemodels and therefore do things, that are actually completely against their beliefs.
BeitragVerfasst am: 30. Mai 2010 18:16    Titel: Was haltet ihr von meiner Zusammenfassung?

Meine Frage:
Hallo zusammen,
da ich kommende Woche Dienstag eine englisch Klausur über american history x schreibe ,und Englisch zu meinen Schwächen zählt, habe ich mir gedacht, dass ich als Vorbereitung den film mit eigenen Worten zusammenfasse.
Es wäre nett, wenn ihr mir helfen könntet meine Fehler raus zufiltern,
ich bin auch für jeden Vorschlag etwas umzuschreiben, damit es sich besser anhört dankbar.
Schon mal danke an alle die sich die mühe gemacht haben, sich das durchzulesen.

Meine Ideen:
The film american history x is about a former neo-nazi skinhead, who tries to prevent his younger brother from going down the same wrong path that he did.
Everything begins when Dereck once has a conversation with his father about affirmative action.
The affirmative action pretend the discrimination of blacks.
The father taught Dereck not to believe every word they say, he wants Dereck to question these things, because his father make the experience, that blacks and whites were not treated equal anymore.
The father is a fireman and he has 2 black people in his squad, who are not as qualified as 2 white canidates.
The father called this "nigger bullshit."
When Mr. Vinyard is killed by a black drug dealer, Derecks hate grows.
Dereck meets Cameron, a leader of a neo-nazi group,
Cameron convinced him of the neo-nazi scene and Cameron wants Dereck to convince his friends of the neo-nazi scene.
The group of neo-nazis becomes bigger and bigger and Dereck position more important, Dereck shows an offensive behaviour against his family, when they are talking about blacks, he gets out of control, but he feels sorry for it later on, because of these things his family excepted Danny don t trust him anymore. Dereck is like an Idol for Danny.
One night are three black people trying to steal Derecks truck, wich belongs to his dead father before.
Dereck stops them and killed 2 of them, one is able to escape.
After that Dereck has to spend some time in jail. At first he belongs to a group of neo-nazis in prison, but later he recognise, that every race has good and bad people. And that Cameron abused him.
Cameron doesn't care of a specific attitude, but of his own welfare, this fits the group of nazis in jail, because they deal with mexicians, although they hate them, this disgust Dereck so he doesn't want to be a neo-nazi anymore.
One reason for Derecks surviving in prison alone, is his black friend, who is divided in them same work.
The friend is guiltless in prison and Dereck sees a good person in him, so that's the proof, that there are nice black people ,too.
When Dereck is released from jail, his friend celebrate him like a hero, but he doesn't want this, he tells Cameron to leave him and his brother alone, but Cameron refused, so Danny tells Dereck what happend to him in jail, in this way he could convince Danny. Everything seems to turn to good, but it shouldn't be like that.
Danny is killed in school by a black guy, whose Danny provoked before, by blowing smoke in his face, that is how this film ends.
I think the film shows very well, how people would change if they'll have the wrong rolemodels and therefor do things, that are actually completely against their beliefs.

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