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BeitragVerfasst am: 06. Jun 2009 21:10    Titel: Re: Book Report

Mir ist nicht viel aufgefallen, aber alles in allem liest sich der Text schon flüssig.

Lukas hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Könnte mir jemand diesen Book Report korrigieren :

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson wanted to meet Helen Stoner. Helen’s sister died almost two years earlier, shortly before her marriage. Helen heard her sister’s dying words, "The speckled band! “ For some time, Mr Rowlett made some modifications to the house. Then he forced Helen to move into her sister’s room. Holmes listened carefully to Helen’s story. He planned a visit to the manor later in the day. At Stoke Moran, Holmes inspected the rooms carefully inside and outside. Holmes and Watson arranged to spend the night in Helen’s room. In darkness they waited. Suddenly a slight metallic noise prompted Holmes in action. Quickly he lighted a candle, and there he saw the “speckled band” a poisonous snake. He struck the snake with a stick. Holmes explained to Watson that Rowlett wanted to kill both daughters before their marriages because he would have lost most of the fortune they got from their mother. Da wäre eine Erläuterung angebracht - ich geh davon aus, Mr Rowlett wäre der Begünstigte?

Danke im Voraus
BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Jun 2009 14:38    Titel: Book Report

Könnte mir jemand diesen Book Report korrigieren :

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson wanted to meet Helen Stoner. Helen’s sister died almost two years earlier, shortly before she married. Helen heard her sister’s dying words, "The speckled band! “ For some time, Mr Rowlett made some modifications to the house. Then he forced Helen to move into her sister’s room. Holmes listened carefully to Helen’s story. He planed a visit to the manor later in the day. At Stoke Moran, Holmes inspected the rooms carefully inside and outside. Holmes and Watson arranged to spend the night in Helen’s room. In darkness they waited. Suddenly a slight metallic noise prompted Holmes in action. Quickly he lighted a candle, and there he saw the “speckled band” a poisonous snake. He struck the snake with a stick. Holmes said to Watson that Rowlett wanted to kill both daughters before they marry because he would have lost most of the fortune they got from their mother.

Danke im Voraus

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