Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 08. Jan 2008 14:26    Titel:

vielen lieben dank an euch!!!
Ich hoffe euch sind die nackenhaare nicht zu berge gestanden!!!
BeitragVerfasst am: 07. Jan 2008 18:42    Titel: Re: Elections

franzi_baby hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Ich habe folgende Hausaufgabe:
1.)Who is eligible to vote in the USA?

My answer is:
If you want to vote in the USA, you have to be at least 18 years old and an American citizen. (Simple present statt simple past, da es hier um allgemeine gesetzliche Regelungen gilt, die jetzt noch gelten)

Furthermore, you have to register your name weeks before.
In the election in 2000, it wasn´t possible to vote for a lot of black people and for all persons with the same name as a criminal. ("peoples" gibt es nur im Sinne von "Völker" und es heißt "the same ... as")

2.) Who is your favorit in the oncomin election in the USA and why?

I think that Obahma will become the next president of the USA. He stands for a new USA ("He, she, it - s muss mit!"). He was in contrast to Hilary Clinton against the war in Iraq (Amerikanische Schreibweise) from the very beginning.
He is popular in particular with the young people. I think the fact that he is a black man brings him more votes.
BeitragVerfasst am: 07. Jan 2008 18:41    Titel: Re: Elections

ich versuch es mal:

1.)Who is eligible to vote in the USA?

My answer is:
If you want to vote in the USA you have to be at least 18 years and an amercan citizen.

Furthermore you have to register your name some (würde ich noch hinzunehmen, aber das ist, denke ich, nicht zwigend) weeks before.

In the election in 2000 it wasn´t possible to vote for a lot of black peoples and for all persons with the same name like a criminal. (Ist zwar interessant, hat aber, meiner meinung nach, nichts mehr mit der frage zutun)

2.) Who is your favorit in the oncomin election in the USA and why?
I think that Obahma will become the next president of the USA. (Die Formulierung passt meiner Meinung nicht ganz, da nicht gefragt wird wer deiner meinung nach präsi wird, sondern wer dein favorit ist. Sind 2 verschiedene dinge) My favorite is Obahma. He stands (he, she, it das s muss mit) for a new USA. He was in the opposite to Hilary Clinton against the war in Irak from the very first. (den satz versteh ich nicht genau)
He is popular in particular by the young people (peoples gibt es nicht. People heißt soviel wie "Leute" und ist somit schon plural). I think that the fact that he is black brings (hört sich komisch an, ab mir fällt auch nichts anderes ein gerade) him more votes.
BeitragVerfasst am: 07. Jan 2008 16:59    Titel: Elections

Ich habe folgende Hausaufgabe:
1.)Who is eligible to vote in the USA?

My answer is:
If you want to vote in the USA you had to be at least 18 years and a amercan citizen.

Furthermore you had to register your name, weeks before.
In the election in 2000 it wasn´t possible to vote for a lot of black peoples and for all persons with the same name like a criminal.

2.) Who is your favorit in the oncomin election in the USA and why?

I think that Obahma will become the next president of the USA. He stand for a new USA. He was in the opposite to Hilary Clinton against the war in Irak from the very first.
He is popular in particular by the young peoples. I think that the fact that he is a black man brings him anymore votes.

I am a grammatik idiot, I knew. I hope that you will help me?
Thank you!!!

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