Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 05. Jun 2007 19:26    Titel:

Keiner mehr einen Verbesserungsvorschlag? Dann bin ich ja doch ziemlich gut ... Big Laugh
BeitragVerfasst am: 03. Jun 2007 10:33    Titel:

Goldenhind hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Das Wort "venerean" kenne ich nicht, und habe es auch nicht im Wörterbuch gefunden, was willst du denn da sagen?

"venerean" bedeutet "Weiberheld". Ich dachte, das passt ganz gut. Allerdings hab ich das Wort bei einer Internet-Seite übersetzen lassen ( und ich wusste nicht genau, welches Wort ich nehmen sollte.

Ja die Sache mit dem seems... Ich werd mal drüber schaun. Schonmal vielen Dank!
BeitragVerfasst am: 02. Jun 2007 17:00    Titel:

Also ich habe mir jetzt erstmal nur den ersten Text angesehen, und finde ihn sprachlich instgesamt ziemlich gut, deshalb nur ein paar allgemeine Anmerkungen:
Wenn du zitierst, musst du natürlich auch angeben, wo (Szene, Vers) du das gefunden hast.
Außerdem solltest du keine Kurzformen wie "isn't" etc. benutzen, die sind umgangssprachlich.
Das Wort "venerean" kenne ich nicht, und habe es auch nicht im Wörterbuch gefunden, was willst du denn da sagen?
Für meinen Geschmack benutzt du etwas häufig "seems", jeder hat ja so seine Lieblingswörter Augenzwinkern
BeitragVerfasst am: 02. Jun 2007 12:02    Titel:

Charakterisierung von Juliet

Juliet is the beautiful daughter of Lord and Lady Capulet, who have been quarrelling against the Montagues since years. When the play begins Juliet is about two weeks shy of her fourteenth birthday. Her age is a key to her character: At the beginning of the play she is innocent and full of hope standing on the border between immaturity and maturity. Juliet shows herself to be a docile, dutiful daughter. She comes when she is called, responding respectfully to her mother. But everything changes at her father’s feast where she meets Romeo and falls in love with him. Now she begins to think and act for herself cutting herself loose from her former social moorings – her parents, her Nurse and her protected childhood in the house of Capulet – in order to try to reunite with Romeo. So we see that Juliet just like Romeo belongs to the maturing characters of the play: She develops from a wide-eyed girl into a self-assured, loyal and capable woman. But her characteristics must be differentiated from Romeos properties: He is the romantic one and Juliet is the practical, reasonable one. This contrast can be seen for example in the balcony scene: Their conversation immediately points out the differences in their personalities. Juliet asks short, practical questions setting up the marriage and the time and means of communication, while Romeo gives idealistic, emotional replies contenting to speak poetic words of love. So in their relationship Juliet is the reasonable, witty, loyal and strong one. Though profoundly in love with him, Juliet is able to see and criticize Romeo’s rash decisions and his tendency to romanticize things. Nevertheless her love with Romeo makes her risk a lot. She shows amazing courage in trusting her entire life and future to Romeo, even refusing to believe the worst reports about him after he gets involved in a fight with her cousin. But when she wakes in the tomb to find Romeo dead, she doesn’t kill herself out of feminine weakness or desperation, but rather out of an intensity of love, just as Romeo did. So Juliet is no longer an obedient little girl, but a young woman who has taken charge of her own life.

Ich hoffe, dass besonders der Unterschied der beiden Charaktere erkennbar ist. Hat jemand Romeo and Juliet vllt auch gelesen und ist hat zu den Charakteren eine andere Meinung oder hat noch etwas zu ergänzen? Ansonsten hoffe ich, dass ihr mich vllt auf Formulierungs- und Grammatikfehler hinweisen könntet und mir sage könnt, ob der Textaufbau logisch ist.

Schonmal vielen lieben Dank an alle, die sich kurz Zeit nehmen.
BeitragVerfasst am: 01. Jun 2007 18:39    Titel: Please Correct: Romeo & Juliet (Characters)

Erstmal ein herzliches Willkommen

Ich bin relativ neu hier und brauche gleich mal eure Hilfe. Im Englisch LK lesen wir zur Zeit "Romeo and Juliet" und wir sollen als freiwillige Lernanalyse Romeo und Juliet charakterisieren. Das hab ich auch gemacht, keine Panik, will die Arbeit nicht abschieben.

Aber ich suche begabte Menschen, die der englischen Sprache mächtig sind (am besten mächtiger als ich Big Laugh ) und sich folgendes Ergebnis meiner Arbeit durchlesen und ggf verbessern.

Charakterisierung von Romeo:

Romeo is the son of Lord and Lady Montague and one of the two title characters. A young man of about sixteen at the beginning of the play, good looking Romeo can be regarded as a real venerean just being interested in girls. So he is again madly in love with a woman named Rosaline at the very beginning. Rosaline seems to be everything to him, even if she will never return his affection. When Romeo talks about her, he uses lots of clichés and repeats himself. Of Rosaline, he says “She is too fair, to wise, wisely too fair/To merit bliss by making me despair”. Romeo’s poetical language is characteristic for his passionate personality, even if his speech seems to be childish and repetitive at the beginning of the play. But his way of speaking develops when he lays eyes on Juliet. When he sees Juliet on the Capulet’s feast for the first time, he shows his impulsive and immature character, because from this moment on Rosaline is forgotten and Juliet is his new big love. When they get to know each other, he discovers his true self. Their love seems to be so right and perfect, that Romeo’s speech is transformed to poetry. For example their conversation effortlessly forms a sonnet the first time they talk together. Juliet’s beauty inspires some of Romeo’s most famous poetry: “O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!/It seems she hangs upon the cheek of the night/As a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear/Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear!” But it’s not only his speech, which changes throughout the play: Romeo becomes more mature and more himself than before the time with Juliet. Romeo no longer is melancholic, but dynamic and courageous, risking his life at the Capulet's house to be near Juliet and later breaking a banishment order which threatens death for him, to see his Juliet again. So his strong feelings to Juliet make him grow and develop from a boy who talks in clichés to a man with a powerful command of speech. Romeo conceives real love for a girl the first time and his feelings to Juliet are so strong that he commits suicide rather than live without Juliet, the ultimate display of loyalty for his love Juliet since his life obviously no longer had meaning without her. But though impulsive and emotional, his idealism and passion make him an extremely likable character. Especially Mercutio and Benvolio, Romeo’s best friends, want his attention. Even Friar Lawrence loves Romeo so much that he’ll do almost anything to secure his happiness. So Romeo isn’t just an emotional lover, but also an affectionate and devoted friend.

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