Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 19. Feb 2007 19:46    Titel:

naja, dann versuche ich allein irgend wie durchzukommen, aber ich sehe auch , dass in diesem forum allgemein nicht viel los ist..dagegen muss man was unternehmen!
BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Feb 2007 20:29    Titel:

Meistens findet sich ja jemand, der bereit ist zu helfen. Wenn ich nicht selber gerade u.a. mit meiner eigenen Facharbeit sehr viel zu tun hätte, würde ich dir sicherlich helfen. Mir ging es nur darum, dass du den Thread nicht gleich pushen brauchst, nur weil dir nach einem Tag noch keiner geantwortet hat. Threadpushen wird im Internet allgemein nicht gerne gesehen. Du kannst davon ausgehen, dass auch ohne dies alle potenziellen Helfer deinen Thread bemerkt haben, aber durch reines Pushen kann in einem Forum die Übersichtlichkeit leiden.
Manchmal findet sich eben leider auch gar keiner, der helfen kann und will. Das ist zwar schade, aber eben auch kein Grund sich zu beschweren (was du ja auch nicht getan hast).

MfG Goldenhind
BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Feb 2007 17:39    Titel:

Wozu gibt es dann überhaupt den forum?
BeitragVerfasst am: 17. Feb 2007 01:47    Titel:

also ich weiss, dass es en wenig zu viel ist, aber ihr könnt auch nur den ersten absatz oder irgend welchen sätze raussnehmen und die korrigieren-Wäre für mich auch nicht das Problem
Edit by Goldenhind: Bitte höre auf damit, deinen Thread zu pushen. Wenn sich keiner findet, der dir helfen möchte/kann, dann tut mir das Leid für dich, aber dann musst du dich leider damit abfinden. Das hier ist nunmal ein freiwilliges Forum, in dem jeder dann hilft, wenn er Lust und Zeit hat. Viel Glück noch smile
BeitragVerfasst am: 16. Feb 2007 14:51    Titel:

so, das ist mein Text
The Term „Eastern Jew“

The term „ eastern Jew “was introduced by Nathan Birnbaum and got in the use since the beginning of 20th century. Birnbaum didn’t pursue bad intention wit his coinage even though it got a negative meaning. In the First World War the term “eastern Jew” got connected with the German occupation of Poland and combined two negative terms with anti-Semitic designation: The East and the Jude. Many people associate these two words with demarcation, displacement and exclusion.

On the very term “eastern Jew” one can recognize the bad social condition of Jews lived in the East.

Social condition of eastern Jews
1880 – 1914

The Jews were not very popular in Russia and other European countries and the riots in the public against them were far disseminated. “
The encroachments reached a highlight in the eighties of the nineteenth century, as it came to a succession of pogroms- to violent attacks on Jewish municipalities, to the destruction of Jewish property and to murders ".
The reasons for these pogroms were the alleged “ritual murders” that the Jews committed on the Christian children to bake the “ungesäuerte” bread for Pessac – holiday.
Many followers of Jewish religion believed in the social changes and the improvement of their social condition. This must happened either trough the revolution “which the Socialists
and the Marxists longed regarding to the whole social system or through the rebirth of a specifically Jewish nationalism”
The others saw their opportunity to improve the live circumstances by the migration from the countries where they were suppressed, often persecuted and very poorly lived. “The Jews streamed in crowds to Great Britain and America in the desire for freedom of the “life and the soul” which is foreign for the Jews under the present conditions”.

2 600 000 Jews emigrated from Russia and the areas in the east of Austria –Hungary to the USA between 1881 and 1914.

Effects of the First World War on the Jews
1914 - 1918

The Jews took part on every front in the First World War which was involved in the World War. 650 000 Jews took part on the front as soldiers of Russian army, 100 000 of them died. One month after outbreak of the war Leo Osnan was awarded with the highest military decoration for extraordinary bravery on the battlefield – the Saint – Georges – Cross. Osnan was the first Jewish soldier who got this high decoration during the war. In Russia and in other countries people thought that the tsar wanted to pick up all the anti –semitic restrictions. In reality nothing has changed for the eastern Jews. They didn’t get equality and were exposed by violent encroachments through Russian fellow citizens.

The ending of the First World War didn’t mean the simultaneous improvement of live circumstances for the Jews.

Pogrom years 1917 – 1920

A bitter fight of the Antibolschewiken with the Bolsheviks led to outbreak of civil war in Russia und Ukraine that went on for 3 years. The conservatives, democrats, moderate socialists (for example, social-democratic Menschewiki), nationalists and the white army pillaged cities and villages on their way. In these cities and villages lived many Jewish citizens who sympathized with the red army or did not offer resistance at least. More then 2000 of pogroms took place in this time and not less then 85 000 Jews lost their lives. It was the worst time for the Jews since many centuries.
“…it was the worst mass massacre, the Jews experienced since the Chmielnicki -- , massacre which had taken place in the same region in the 17th century and where100 000 of them had died”.

No resistance, no revolt, no pogrom could stop the Jewish culture life. People tried as well as they could to press ahead with their cultural development.

Jewish culture life 1919 – 1929

The Jewish culture flourished in UDSSR. The Jewish theatre was very famous in Moscow. The strengthening of communistic system destroyed Jewish social and political structures. Many famous personalities left their fatherland in that time. For example, Marc Chagall, who’ name was given Moishe Zakharovich Shagalov by the birth in White Russia. The genius poetical painter lived in Paris short before the beginning of war. He came back to Sankt Petersburg in 1915 but already in 1923 he felt himself forced to leave this country. He again went to France. The philologist, linguist and Semiotiker Roman Ossipowitsh Jacobson also left Russia in that time. At the age of 26 he already was professor on the Moscow Play Academy.

But even though of the fact that many Jews tried to emigrate from Eastern Europe there were Jewish settlements and even towns.

The Shtetl

The most of Jews lived together in small Jewish villages or towns like Brody which is located in the Ukraine. Such villages and towns are called Shtetls and they had their own closed social system. The Jews put the greatest part of population in small Shtetls. In cities they only built a majority in their collected groups. All this different kinds of Shtetls have one similarity – they were not Ghettos. The Jews were not only tolerated there, they also were accepted. Ilex Beller writes in his pictured book, that the Jews could feel themselves in their Shtetls “like in the holy city Jerusalem”

The life of people „in the second holy Land “have showed special familiar structures that distinguish them from their non-Jewish citizens.


The family structure of the Eastern Jews

The family built the centre of the Jewish life. It was normal to have many children. The Jews believed that one had more children one had the more blessing. They were of opinion that children showed that the marriage is blessed.
The head of the family built the father. He had the final say in, stood in the centre of family and had the official authority. The most important duty of him was a teaching of his children in religious – traditional customs. Mainly duty of woman was to give birth to children and to bring luck into the family. The most of men earned very less so that women had to work too. They earned their money as market shopkeepers or grocers.

The charity was practicing in the family very much. They have taken travelers or poor people on Sabbath, offered them drinks and meal and thereof brought the joy.
It was the most sacred task of parents to grant the children an education as good as possible.

The Jewish educational system

The basis for the education was already given in the family. The parents tried to use their children to characteristics like faithful to the law, piety and obedience. The girls had many disadvantages at the education. It was mostly impossible for a girl to get traditional, religious education. Men decided that it was not necessary for the girls. Only seldom one could see girls visiting girl- cheder (school). They just basically learned to write and to read there. They had spent less time at the school than boys. Very often it was just two hours a day.
The situation for the son was completely different. At the age of 4 began extra- domestic education for him. The children had to stay at school from early morning till deep in the evening to learn religious books. The boys learned to write and read Hebrew, they learned praying and reading of bible. Besides it they got to know basic arithmetical operations and the principles of Jewish moral.
BeitragVerfasst am: 16. Feb 2007 14:50    Titel: Textkorrektur

Hallo,Leute! Ich bin neu hier.Hoffe sehr bald euch hier kennen lernen zu dürfen. Naja, ich habe auch ein kleines englisches Problem mitgebracht. Ich muss im Projektkurs Geschichte ein Text zum Thema "Ostjude" verfassen und den dann ins Englische übersetzen. Das is eine sehr wichtige Arbeit für mich. Könnt ihr mir,bitte, meine unzählige gramatischen Fehler korrigigieren. Wäre wirklich lieb! Augenzwinkern

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