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BeitragVerfasst am: 21. Nov 2006 16:31    Titel: Macbeth Summary, bitte um Korrektur

Summary of Shakespeare’s Macbeth

The story plays in medieval Scotland and begins with a meeting of three witches on a heath. They plan to meet Macbeth after a battle and they say that fair is foul and foul is fair and that nothing is like it seems to be. Macbeth and Banquo showed themselves as courageous fighters of king Duncan against the rebels. Macbeth is characterised as a brave man and the king gives him for his bravery the title Thane from Cawdor, because the last Thane of Cawdor committed betrayal. Before he knows that he gets this title, Banquo and he meet the three witches on a heath. The witches prophesy the future to them: Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and later on the King of Scotland. Lady Macbeth, who is informed by a letter, plans betrayal and to commit regicide. After Duncan wins a battle, he arrives on castle Dunsinan. Lady Macbeth persuades her man to kill the king, and after a discussion he agrees and kills Duncan in the night. He directs the suspicion on the chamber servants. Macduff sees the terrible blood act at first. The two sons of Duncan, Malcolm and Donalbain, break open immediately to England and Ireland, in order to save their life. Macbeth leads the murder suspicion on Malcolm and Donalbain and is crowned to king. Banquo knows about the prophecy and Macbeth orders murderer to kill him an his son Fleance. But Fleance escapes. Banquos spirit appears after his death during a celebration in the castle. That brings Macbeth to speak very confused. Lady Macbeth explains to the guests that he has such accumulations since his childhood. Macbeth visit again the three witches. They tell him that he may not trust Macduff and that nobody can harm him who is born of a woman. They also say that he will never be defeated, if not the large forest climbs to the castle Dunsinan. After that, Macbeth gets said that Macduff flee to Malcolm and so Macbeth lets Macduff’s family kill. Lady Macbeth began to walk in one’s sleep and she reveal the secret about Duncan’s death. Then the prophecy fulfill itself. The army of Malcolm and Macduff advance, camouflaged with branches from the forest of Birnam, to the castle. Lady Macbeth commits suicide and all the servants flee, so that Macbeth is alone on Dunsinan. Macbeth kills some of the english soldiers because he thinks that he’s immortal. But the last saying of the witches also comes true and Macbeth is killed by Macduff, which was born by a abdominal delivery. Then Malcolm is crowned as the King of Scotland.

Wenn es ginge bis morgen Abend, wäre echt super nett wenn es jemand mal durchlesen und Fehler korrigieren würde! Danke! Thumbs up!

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