Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 20. Sep 2006 08:19    Titel:

Das mit dem "we want to thanks" hatte ich ja bereits erwähnt.
Es heißt "the opportunity of doing" (oder besser "spending").
"For a long time our son has been thinking" (falsches Tempus kann vorkommen, aber SPO sollte man immer im Kopf haben Augenzwinkern )
"and he also wants to get to know"
Was meint ihr mit "in complex"?
"an enrichment"
Statt "around" besser "surrounding".
"which he gets"(oder "will get")
"that he eats all kinds of food"
"Every year he has an allergy against bloom for four weeks" (Zeitangaben immer an den Anfang oder das Ende eines Satzes).
Wie gesagt, statt "but" sollte man am Satzanfang "However,..." benutzen.
"... is bilingually educated" (Adverb!)(Wollt ihr nicht auch erwähnen, in welchen beiden Sprachen zu erzogen wirst?)
"think, feel, and act" Kommata!
Wiederum Syntax: "It depends on..." (Es sei denn, ihr wollt das Objekt ganz stark betonne, dann ist es in Ausnahmefällen möglich es an den Anfang zu stellen).
"of other countries". Das "of everyday life" würde ich direkt hinter "cultures" setzen.
BeitragVerfasst am: 19. Sep 2006 23:37    Titel: ->Austauschjahr nach Amerika - Brief von Eltern<-


ich möchte gernen ein Austauschjahr nach Amerika machen und dazu müssen meine Eltern einen Brief an die Gastfamilie schreiben. Nun haben meine Eltern es entlich geschafft einen zu schreiben smile .. Obwohl sie sich die größte Mühe gegeben habe um keine Fehler zu machen, habe sie bestimmt welche gemacht (Nobody is perfect) Big Laugh ... Darum würde ich mich über eine Berichtigung ihres Textes freuen:

Dear host family,

First of all we want to thanks you that you give to our son XXXXX XXXX the opportunity do his High School Year in U.S., and maybe take him for one year as a member of your family. For a long time is our son thinking about spending his High School Year in the U.S. in this time he wants to improve his language skills and he also wants to get know a new culture and people as well. We know that it will be something different for him and as well as we know that all beginnings are difficult, we believe that our son is the right person to adapt fast to his new environment. In the following few lines we would like to tell you something about XXXXXX. Our son is very friendly, in complex and helpful. His friendly character is a enrichment for his around. We hope that XXXXX will do his task which he get from his new family and from his new school or just from everyday life with his best as we know him. We as his parents want to tell you that he are eating all, but only a little bit from everything. He has every year for a four week allergy against bloom. But it is not a problem, because you can control it with pharmaceuticals. XXXX is bilingual educated. Our family believe that all the people should think feel and act international. On the cultures of other country of everyday life it depends.
Sincerely yours,

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