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lorri hewett-coming of age
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BeitragVerfasst am: 30. Nov 2004 23:07    Titel: lorri hewett-coming of age Antworten mit Zitat

hi @ all!!
also wir lersen in der schule gerade coming of age von lorri hewett....hat jemand da zufällig materlia was wie inhaltsangaben charakterisierungen und so weiter??? es ist egal ob sie auf englisch oder auf deutsch sind

Anmeldungsdatum: 03.07.2004
Beiträge: 1389

BeitragVerfasst am: 01. Dez 2004 19:35    Titel: coming of age Antworten mit Zitat

Hi, sonjachen1987 Augenzwinkern ,

kenn' das Buch leider nicht, gibt doch einfach mal die Autor und Titel in google ein... Augenzwinkern

LG Ulli

LG Ulli

Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.

Spanish proverb

BeitragVerfasst am: 21. Feb 2005 18:53    Titel: Coming of age Antworten mit Zitat

Brauche auch Hilfe zu dem Buch " Coming of age" von Lorri Hewett...Muss in Englisch meine Facharbeit darüber schreiben...Wäre echt super wenn mir da jemand mit Charakterisationen und so weiterhelfen könnte...

BeitragVerfasst am: 07. März 2005 16:03    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

ich auch.. bei google findet man schlecht was, da sich immer irgendwelche referat seiten in den vordergrund drängen. und da gehts nur gegen Bezahlung!

BeitragVerfasst am: 01. Apr 2005 21:06    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Hi Leute, ich habe das Buch in den Prüfungen für den Realabschluss und hab ein wenig dazu gefunden. Ihr müsst das bei google eingeben und die Internetadressen durchgehen. Auf jeder Seite gibt es dann einmal den Link zu einer homepage, wo ein meterlanger Text über Lorri Hewett steht. Der könnte vielleicht hilfreich sein, ist aber schwer zu lesen (auf Deutsch noch schwerer wie auf Englisch.
Ich hoffe das hilft euch smile

BeitragVerfasst am: 14. Apr 2005 16:16    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

hät ich das vorher gewusst, dass es da so was gibt, hätt ich nich so probleme mit meiner facharbeit gehabt...
tja, hinterher ist man immer schlauer

BeitragVerfasst am: 09. Mai 2005 16:08    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Ist zwar jetzt schon ne Wele her, seit das Thema gepostet wurde, und wahrscheinlich braucht niemand von euch mehr was darüber, aber falls doch, könnt ihr euch ruhig an mich wenden. Wir haben das Buch nämlich auch im Unterricht durchgekaut. Also, falls jemand Interesse hat: [email protected]

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Jun 2005 14:31    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Nachdem ich in der letzten Zeit unglaublich viele Anfragen zu meinem letzen Posting erhalten habe, habe ich mich entschlossen, das Ganze hier doch mal zu veröffentlichen, also alles, was ich so in meinem alten Englisch-Folder zu dem Thema finden konnte.

Lorri Hewett – Coming of Age

narrative techniques/point-of-view-techniques
- a narrator-agent is a narrator who is also a character of the story and involved in the action -> he/she has a limited point of view
- the main protagonists of the novel are also the main narrator-agents: Ruthie (15 chapters, 22000 words), AJ (12 chapters, 25000 words), Erika (14 chapters, 16000 words)
- the minor characters (Ronell, Imani, Andrea, Shanice, Monica) are not real “narrator-agents” because they hardly produce an effect on the course of events, they function as “observers”

the setting
- the school: Centennial High, public inner-city in Denver/Colorado
- student body: 40% white, 25% black, 25% Hispanic,10% oriental/Asian
- from all different kinds of socio-economic background
- student cliques:
- football players, athletes (AJ, Dough, Kevin, Jamil, Walceen): do sports, not interested in school, want to be free, parties, alcohol, girls…
- Erika’s clique (Erika, Monica, Kelli, Imani, Michelle): fight against “black cows”, care about their looks, mixture of black and light skins, aggressive, use obscene/vulgar language
- student council group (Ruthie, Andrea, Christian): like to go to school, well-off backgrounds, important school decisions
- the Black cows (Shanice, …): fight, obscene language
- the insignificant students (La Trica, Marc): no athletes, no cheerleaders etc.; take part in things like marching band

“Coming of Age” is a story full of emotions: hate, problems with drugs and alcohol, fights with other people - but most it is a book about love.
The story takes part in a typical American high school where people with different skin colours meet and get to know each other better. In the development of the story some of the main characters start having a relationship with someone they never thought of getting to know.
Even in case you don´t like high school stories in general, you should immediately start reading this book – you’ll find out that this book is different to any high school story you have ever read before.

2 brothers, Anthony and Franco
mother dead (suicide)
father doesn´t take care of his children, but pays bills
AJ takes care of Anthony
bad neighbourhood (drugs, alcohol)
tries to be cool
famous football-player
sports (football)
friends, girls
not interested in school
doesn´t go there every day
wants to be free
not good grades
wants to be good in sports -> “emotional fighter”
wants Anthony to have a better life than he has
sensitive (inside)

black father in Phoenix, white mother -> divorced
lives with mother, they argue a lot (embarrassed about “black” daughter)
appearance important (light-skinned, pretty)
singing in choir at church, performs leading part in school musical
special (sexual) interest in AJ; doesn´t really care about others
aggressive: fights (reasons: jealousy,…) shouts, swears a lot
not really interested in school, but finds an apprenticeship in the end
bad temper, violent
learns from her mistakes and becomes a better person

live with family (mother, father, brother)
middle-class family
appearance is important for her, dresses like business-woman
acts like a white
interested in school; is in the student council
one of the best students; wants to go to university
never had a boyfriend before AJ
emotional, sensitive
friendly, helpful
confused about her black identity

AJ´s process of initiation
In the beginning of the story AJ is the cool football-player who does not care about other people’s feelings. He is not interested in anything except sports, party, alcohol and girls, which are his only hobbies. He never shows his emotions in presence of other people, although he is an emotional and sensitive boy actually.
When AJ gets to know Ruthie better his metamorphosis starts, he grows up and becomes a totally different person. He realizes that there are more important things than sports, parties or alcohol; instead of that he discovers the meaning of confidence, affection and deep love.
Through Ruthie´s influence AJ starts permitting his emotions and shows his love to her whenever he is able to do it.
He is really grateful against Ruthie for giving his little brother a new home and the chance of a better life. But it is not just his gratitude which made him falling in love with her: He loves her because she is the most wonderful person in the world, at least for him, and he wants to be together with her forever.
The development of AJ´s and Ruthie´s relationship

1. class mates in chemistry
no real relationship
AJ´s opinion of Ruthie: happy to have someone who supports him; snob; show-off (hangs out with whites)
Ruthie´s opinion of AJ: arrogant, conceited, lazy, no future perspectives
2. Ruthie becomes Anthony’s tutor/contact with AJ´s family
3. The Great Confrontation

Book review
The novel “Coming of Age”, written 1991 by Lorri Hewett, is about the life and typical racial problems in American high schools.
It was Lorri Hewett´s first book she wrote when she was 18 years old. In her opinion there was not enough fiction available which dealt with the experiences of black young adults, so she decided to write this book when she was still in high school. She realized from her own experiences that it is not easy to grow up as a black-skinned person.
The novel describes the life of the three main characters AJ, Ruthie and Erika.
AJ is the most famous, black-skinned football player at Centennial High, Erika is light-skinned and his girlfriend, but they do not really love each other, it is more a sexual relationship they’re having. In the development of the story AJ gets to know the all-teacher’s pet Ruthie. First of all he thinks she is just a grind and a show-off, bus as he gets to know her better, he realizes she is a really special person. There are also many racial problems between the different cliques at Centennial High, but while the story develops, some of the main characters start finding their identity.
In my opinion the novel was a very interesting book to read as the reader is able to understand the problems of young black adults. With the first page of the book the reader enters a totally different world with another culture and a different English as he usually knows: There are a lot of slang expressions which the characters use. (“Yeah. See ya! (…)Whassup?”(…) Nothin. Comin back to school now?”(cp. p. 106 l.13)) I would recommend the book to other people (which includes private readers and classes) because it is a good base to understand the feelings and the world of black-skinned teenagers in the US.

Erica’s reactions of losing AJ
1. internal reactions/psychological
determination to kill Ruthie (p. 148)
compares herself with Ruthie and feels superior (p. 149)
doesn´t know what to do, is desperate (p. 153)
looks for reasons, feels self-pity (p. 157)
phantasizes (p. 157)
anger, full of hate, aggressive (p. 158)
feeling of emptiness (p. 158)
“I am nothing” (p. 158)
-> feels worthless
-> sees her own life realistically
2. external reactions
tears dress apart
tries to fight with Ruthie
throws AJ´s picture on the wall
destroys wheels
“gets high” with Dane, Franco
nearly makes love to Dane
makes love to Franco but thinks about AJ

Class test
1. Language/Form
a) Black English, a fully developed systematic language variety, is used a lot in “Coming of Age”. Read the following example and rewrite it into standard English: p. 150, l. 33-35: “Tomorrow … AJ again.”
b) The following metaphor is taken from the passage you have to deal with in the “Comprehension” part (2.).
Describe what this stylistic device means in the given context!
p. 181, l.42: “…I was getting… under her skin.”

2. Comprehension (use quotations)
Read the following extract carefully: p. 180 l. 31 – p. 182 l. 2.
Describe and explain the changes you see in the behaviour of both girls in this scene. Also compare their actions and reactions in earlier scenes.

3. Comment
Choose one of the following topics and write a comment on it (about 300 words):
1. Discuss whether “Coming of Age” is a typical love story.
2. Comment on the idea of school-uniforms for all pupils (and maybe teacher, too).
3. There should be no exams. Discuss.

1. a) “Tomorrow”, says Imani grinning. I have got to grin, too. Because it is going to be fun, smashing her up, messing up those nice clothes of herself, bruising her up really badly. I will mess her up so badly she will never go near AJ again! (5/5 points)

b) The metaphor in the text passage means that Ruthie really starts getting to hurt Erika. She hurts her not with fists, but with words and she injures Erika with them. She does not need any knives to cut Erika and to get under her skin for stinging her. (3/3 points)

2. In the scene Erika tries to fight with Ruthie, but instead of fighting back Ruthie provokes her, making her feel angrier and in the end she believes her she is a nobody.
In the beginning of the extract Erika appears like she always does in the novel, she is a self-important and egocentric person who wants to reach her aims in any possible way. Her normal way for solving problems is to use violence against other people, but as she tries to hurt Ruthie, this way is not working. Ruthie does not show Erika her anger, she is not afraid of her and provokes her with words, not with fists: “A nobody! You never meant anything to AJ! All you ever were to him was a nice body for him to use at his disposal!” (p.18, l. 31/32). These words make Erika unsure and frustrate her, she tries to hurt Ruthie worse than before, but she is not bale to do it because Ruthie “danced around her” (p. 180 l.33). Ruthie starts enjoying the argument with Erika, which the reader would never have thought of her from other scenes in the novel: “(…) in a sadistic way, enjoying myself.” (p.180 l.37). She always used to be the nice girl and the teacher’s pet who never showed bad sides of herself. As she gets on to make Erika feel annoyed, Erika starts realizing Ruthie is telling the truth. She remarks she cannot solve her problems in other ways than violent ones, and all she can do is to be beautiful and a good singer. She has no future and she is a nothing, that is what Ruthie makes her believe. As Erika starts believing this, she is really hurt by Ruthie: “My words were stinging her, I knew it(…)” (p. 181 l. 70). She feels much more hate than she felt before because she realizes there is nothing in her life to be proud of: “It was the frustrating hate you feel when you begin to realize something about yourself that you don´t want to know, something you’ve tried to repress.” (p. 181/182 l. 72-2).
(9,5/10 points: You could have added that part of Erika’s way of behaving in conflicts involves swearing and threatening people and this is also shown at least in the beginning of the given scene.)

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Sep 2005 14:18    Titel: daaanke Antworten mit Zitat

an gast:
ich glaube ich spreche hier für alle, ein supergroßes küsschen und ein danke für die informationen über coming of age. du hast mir echt geholfen. jetzt hab ich nicht mehr so viel arbeit... Augenzwinkern


BeitragVerfasst am: 27. Okt 2005 19:48    Titel: Thanks! Antworten mit Zitat

Danke für das tolle gepostete!
Hat sehr geholfen!

Haben es nämlich im Moment im GK Englisch!


BeitragVerfasst am: 07. Nov 2005 14:46    Titel: coming of Age Antworten mit Zitat

hey Leute!
Ich muss meine Facharbeit über dieses Buch schreiben und vielleicht kann man sich ja austauschen auf jeden Fall, fehlen mir noch so viele wichtige Hintergründe!!Also ich bitte um schnelle hilfe!!!#

BeitragVerfasst am: 24. Nov 2005 17:09    Titel: Summary Antworten mit Zitat

Hey leute wir lesen das buch "Coming of Age in der schule und ich muss 2 summaries schreiben! von S.17-24 das ist wenn Ruthie das erste mal erscheint und von S.24-28 Das ist über Erika! Wäre cool wenn ihr da habt!

MFG Cyberman Wink

BeitragVerfasst am: 27. Nov 2005 16:09    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Danke danke danke an für die vilen infos wir nehmen das buch gerade in der 10 durch
knuddels an alle Mit Zunge

BeitragVerfasst am: 30. Nov 2005 21:24    Titel: Daaaaaaaaaaaaaanke Antworten mit Zitat

Hi @all bin durch zufall auf die seite gestoßen und fin es cht cool das jemand total liebes(riesen dickes fettes Dankeschön) alles hier rein gestellt hat was er so über das Buch weiß!!!!
Ich mach ne Buchvorstellung über das Buch... und muss jetzt nicht mehr viel tun.... Da mir hier so viel geholfen wurde stell ich die infos die ich hab auch mal rein....

Coming of age (Lorri Hewett)

Character of Erica:
At the beginning of the book Erica is a very superficial and vicious girl. She loves to fight with black girls of her school and she is a real egoist. Erica gets jealous very fast. She ist the child of a black father and a white mother, so that all her enemies call her half-breed, which causes her some identity-problems. She acts and talks more like a black girl and what we also get to know about her is that she has a temper. Erica can sing very well and tries hard to be successful in the choir she is in. Ruthie is, at the beginning, a very quiet girl. She works hard in school the receive good marks, because she wants to go to university. Ruthie is a black girl, but a lot of people say that she acts and talks as if she was white. So she has some problems to fit in with other black students.
Character of Ruthie:
Ruthie is very smart and friendly, she is concerned about others a lot and does not fight with her fists but with words. Both of them change into mature girls in the end but there are some differences anyway. Ruthie does think about others, Erica does not. Ruthie wants to discuss problems, Erica wants to fight. Erica is more white and acts black, Ruthie is black and acts as if she was white. AJ loves Ruthie for who she is, but he cannot do the same with Erica , because she is nothing but a good-looking girl. Ruthie loves her family and gets along with them, Erica has only a mother and they have a lot of arguments. Erica gets a lot of attention while Ruthie is more calm and shy. But Ruthie is brave and Erica is not, which you can see when it comes to their big fight.

The Love from AJ to Ruthie:
I think that AJ fell in love with Ruthie because she shows real interest about him. She does not only look at his success and his look but she really wants to get to know him and tries to help him with the problems he has, for example the death of his mother and to find a place to live for his little brother Anthony. At the beginning of the book he has no very high opinion of her. He thinks that she is boring because she studies a lot and he really does not like the way she talks and acts. AJ also hates that Ruthie looks him straight in the eyes, which makes him feel uncomfortable. Soon he finds out, that she is a very kind and clever girl and wants to have her opinion of different things that pertain to his life. AJ recognizes, that Ruthie is really interested in his life. At first he hates that but later, when they come closer, his opinion changes. He sees, that she is more mature than Erica, that she can be a real help for him and he thinks, that he would never be good enough for her. AJ loves Ruthie seriously for what she did for him.

Every chapter is told by one of the characters:
Ruthie, AJ or Erica. Sometimes there are also friends of them talking. What the author reaches with that is, that the reader gets to know the different points of view and that makes it more interesting to read the book. All of the narrators have a limited point of view but the reader gets to know everything because he knows the different points of view. He can draw his own conclusion out of what he is reading.

The decision that Anthony should stay with Ruthie’s parents?
I think that it is a really good decision to let Anthony stay with Ruthie’s family. As we got to know out of the book, Anthony does not really have somebody who really looks after him. AJ is too busy with himself, anyway he tries to care for Anthony. They do not have a mother and their father works the whole time, so that Anthony does not really have parents. The parents of Ruthie built up a loving relationship to their children so that they have a nice family. Anthony needs a secure place to grow up and somebody who can look after him all the time and to help him with his problems so that the family of Ruthie seems to be the only solution. They love him and really care for him. That is the best thing that could have happened to him as a six year old boy without parents and real family. He does not get in contact with his older brother Franco, who deals with drugs, he receives love and care and he can stay in contact with AJ, because he does not have to leave the town to get into another family. Another fact is, that the parents of Ruthie do not want to get paid for this which shows, that they really love Anthony. With that they also take care of AJ, because he does not have to worry anymore and he can save his money for his studies. He can fully concentrate on that and so might have a good future without playing football.

The future fro Ruthie and AJ
To be honest I do not think that they will stay together forever. I think, that it is very complicated to live in such a relationship, where they live about 3000 miles apart. The first thing about that is, that to stay in contact over such a big distance is too hard, it would certainly not work longer than one year. Both of them are going to university and have to work a lot so that there is not much time left to write letters or to call each other. Furthermore they will see each other perhaps 3 or 4 times a year and that also seems difficult to me. Without seeing each other, only hearing from each other perhaps two times a month is not enough of the contact to build a real relationship on it. Another fact is, that if AJ really becomes a famous footballplayer, they will meet even less, because he has to travel around then. It would be really hard for Ruthie to know where he is and even if she gets to know it, it is not said that she could go there. Thirdly I see the problem, that they might fall in love with somebody else. Living 3000 miles apart really means, that they do have to trust in each other. Being faithful in such a relationship is hard and when they meet somebody else, they really like – and perhaps even love – they would certainly not be. I do not know if they could manage it to be silent about a new boyfriend or girlfriend. I think they would recognize, that their love has got no future and break up, but stay friends. It does also not happen very often, that the partner you date with in your youth will be your wife or husband later (and I think that this is meant with “forever”). The relationship you are in as a teenager will really give you a lot of experience you can use later and I think that is, what the relationship of AJ and Ruthie is good for. They got together in a very special way and I think that they are very good for each other, but the only thing they will get out of this relationship are a lot of good experiences they can use later. I do not even think that this is bad, because out of the relationship AJ had with Erica he certainly did not get too much of experiences. Because they, AJ and Ruthie love each other, their relationship certainly is something special but it will not last forever.

Lorri Hewett über Coming of Age
This novel explored the themes of alienation from the points of view of a suburban teenager recently transplanted to the city, a girl of mixed race who feels she isn't accepted by the black or the white community, and a popular athlete who experiences the shallowness of major university recruiting. Unsure of the book's marketability, she sent the book to only one publisher, Holloway House, a medium-sized publisher of black experience paperbacks. She was surprised to learn in her freshman year at Emory University that the book had been accepted for publication. Lorri won a merit scholarship to attend Emory University that covered all of her tuition and room and boarding expenses. Because finances were not a big concern for her, she was able to devote her time to many different activities. At Emory, Lorri remained actively involved in the dance community, as well as getting involved in several African American organizations on campus. She had originally thought she would study political science and then go to law school, but she realized in her second year that she had a love of literature and that she wanted to explore that interest further. She became involved in the creative writing program at Emory, winning the undergraduate fiction contest in her freshman year. Coming of Age came out in print at the beginning of her second year ar Emory. Lorri was surprised by the amount of publicity surrounding the book and spent her first semester giving many television, radio, newspaper and magazine interviews. This was a rather unnerving experience, as writing, which had always been such a private part of her life, now became public. But the most enjoyable experiences for her were the visits to several Atlanta high schools, where she talked with students about the process of writing. She was often told by the students, especially by black students, that her book was the first book to get them interested in reading in general. These experiences further emphasized for her the paucity of books focusing on the contemporary experiences of young African-Americans and how it was important to her to keep writing for that audience

Lorri Hewett, Coming of Age (Deutsche Interpretation)
Dieser erst vor knapp 15 Jahren erstmalig publizierte Roman handelt von einer Gruppe schwarzer Jugendlicher, die in Denver (Colorado) eine integrierte Schule besuchen und kurz vor dem Abschluß stehen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen AJ, Erika, Ruthie und ihre jeweiligen Freunde, wobei die ständig wechselnde Perspektiven in den einzelnen Kapitelüberschriften zum Ausdruck kommen. Am klarsten erscheint AJ’s weiterer Lebensweg vorgezeichnet, da er aufgrund seines fußballerischen Talents bereits von vielen Colleges umworben wird.
Zu Beginn des Romangeschehens ist er mit der hellhäutigen Erika befreundet, die zwar eine begabte Sängerin ist, aber auch zu häufigen Streitereien neigt. Die dunkelhäutige Ruthie wird als intelligente und zielstrebige Schülerin vorgestellt, die aber wegen ihrer Herkunft aus gutbürgerlichen Verhältnissen und wegen ihrer gepflegten Sprache Kontaktschwierigkeiten mit anderen hat; sie wirkt noch wie eine Außenseiterin auf der Suche nach sich selbst. Erika hat zahlreiche Auseinandersetzungen mit den Eltern, während AJ nach dem Tode seiner Mutter vor allem an seinem wesentlich jüngeren Bruder Anthony hängt. Dagegen ist sein älterer Bruder Franco Mitglied einer mafiaähnlich operierenden Bande, die mit Rauschgifthandel offenbar gute Geschäfte macht.
Als AJ und Ruthie im Chemieunterricht ein Arbeitsteam bilden, lernen sie sich allmählich besser kennen und verstehen. Um Anthony dem schädlichen Einfluß des großen Bruders Franco zu entziehen, stimmt AJ zu, daß sich Ruthies Familie seiner annimmt. Aus einer vorläufigen Entscheidung wird eine Dauerlösung, da auch Anthonys Vater zustimmt. Ruthies Eltern behandeln Anthony wie einen eigenen Sohn. Als AJ sich in Ruthie verliebt, kommt es zum Eklat mit Erika ausgerechnet an dem Abend, als diese bei einer Schulaufführung von George Gershwins Porgy and Bess einen persönlichen Triumph feiert. Erika verpaßt Ruthie nicht nur ein blaues Auge, sondern wird auch so sehr von Haßgefühlen beherrscht, daß sie ihre Rivalin umbringen möchte.
Aber Ruthie weiß sich zu wehren, und Erika läßt ab von ihren Racheplänen. Sie flüchtet sich zunächst in die Arme ihres Ex-Freundes Dane, dann sucht sie Vergessen bei AJ’s Bruder Franco und zeitweise Trost in Alkohol- und Drogenkonsum. Nach der Graduierung werden Ruthie und AJ durch eine Distanz von rund 3000 Meilen getrennt, da AJ in Florida und Ruthie in Stanford studieren wird. Erika und Ruthie versöhnen sich schließlich.
Bei der ersten Lektüre fällt die ungewöhnliche Sprache des Romans auf, die (ähnlich wie in Forrest Gump oder Sozaboy) durch regelmäßige Abweichungen vom Standard American/British English gekennzeichnet ist. Es ist durchaus eine das Textverständnis erleichternde Maßnahme, daß die wichtigsten Sonderformen in einem Anhang der Schulausgabe (Cornelsen-Verlag) zusammengestellt sind. In thematischer Hinsicht bietet der Text Ansatzpunkte für zahlreiche Diskussionen: es geht um Probleme des Erwachsenwerdens, der Identitätsfindung, der Rassenbeziehungen, des stereotypen Denkens, der Toleranz, etc. (vgl. hierzu die im gleichen Verlag erschienene Lehrerhandreichung), also um Aspekte, welche die Initiation schwarzamerikanischer Jugendlicher betreffen.
Aber weder als novel of initiation noch als black literature stellt die vorliegende Neuerscheinung eine Option da, zu der es keine Alternativen gibt. Aufgrund des in der o.g. didaktischen Ausgabe vorhandenen Sprachkommentars, der relativ einfachen Syntax und der Dominanz der leicht lesbaren Dialoge ist der Roman von der Jahrgangsstufe 11/2 an verwendbar.

So jetzt seid ihr hoffentlich ein bisschen glücklicher und könnt alle unbesorgt in der Luft herrumhopsen Tanzen und müsst nicht mehr weinen.... traurig oder wütend sein böse und das besste ist ihrhabt zeit für dir schönen Dinge im leben... Prost Prost oder die weniger schönen... Klo

so jetzt verbeugt euch alle vor mir: Gott (das ist ein Befehl Ansage Augenzwinkern

okay ich sag jetzt bye Wink und knutsch euch alle.... Mit Zunge

BeitragVerfasst am: 05. Dez 2005 19:00    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

thx @alle. auch für den cs

BeitragVerfasst am: 08. Dez 2005 19:03    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

wow jetzt kann ich sogar kernen ohne das buch ganz durchgelesen zu haben Zunge raus

BeitragVerfasst am: 08. Dez 2005 22:38    Titel: Danke Antworten mit Zitat

Ja von mir auch dickes DANKE !!!!

Schreib morgen Klausur und musst noch schnell den Profi-Googler raushängen lassen =)
Dank Leuten wie euch hab ich damit auch erfolg Zunge raus

Echt n1ce ! Gott Gott Gott

Jetzt bin ich gut vorbereitet =) Tanzen smile Prost Mit Zunge Tanzen

BeitragVerfasst am: 19. Dez 2005 16:27    Titel: THX :bush: Antworten mit Zitat

Boah ey voll cool von euch Tanzen , brauchet voll hilfe, weil ich hab kein bock gehabt das buch zu lesen, und bei der unfähigen lehrerin hat noch nichma der unterricht geholfen was über das buch zu erfahren, ich schreibe morgen auch klausur, das suckt schon wieder richtig, jetzt muss ich sogar schon in der 12. anfangen zu lernen Augenzwinkern . Naja dickes dankeschön nochmals!!!

Wink Buschmann

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Jan 2006 11:41    Titel: Re: Summary Antworten mit Zitat

Cyberman hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Hey leute wir lesen das buch "Coming of Age in der schule und ich muss 2 summaries schreiben! von S.17-24 das ist wenn Ruthie das erste mal erscheint und von S.24-28 Das ist über Erika! Wäre cool wenn ihr da habt!

MFG Cyberman Wink

möp Klo

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Jan 2006 16:21    Titel: Ohhhhhhhhh vielen lieben Dank an Euch!!! Antworten mit Zitat

Oh ich wollte mich nochmal bei denen bedanken, die hier was zu dem Buch geschrieben haben... Es ist voll geil...

Danke danke schön... Ihr habt mir sehr geholfen!!! geschockt Mit Zunge

BeitragVerfasst am: 26. Jan 2006 18:12    Titel: noch was Antworten mit Zitat

Hier sind noch ein paar summaries und andere infrmationen:


Aj (page 5-13)
This morning Aj and Ruthie ( his lab partner) do an experiment in chemistry.
Aj puts it on a bunsen burner to see what happens.
Then it explodes and Aj wants to take her home, because she is hurt.
They drive to Ruthie´s and they talk about football.
Then her mother comes and drives Aj to school again.

Erika (page 14-16)
Aj runs into Erika after takimg Ruthie home. She is angry about him,
because he leaves school with another girl, but Erika is her girlfriend.
Then she talks with her girls about it and she wants to find out, who Ruthie is

Ruthie (page 17-23)
Ruthie leaves school for two days after the accident. She is at Centennial High School,
because her father decided, that they need more access to the black community.
In school Andrea tells her about Erika´s and Aj´s relationship.
When she goes to her second lesson she sees Erika and her girls glaring at her.
In chemistry she talks with Aj about Tuesday, when Aj drove her home. Ruthie thinks Erika
is petty.

Aj (page 45-4Rock
He does not go to listen to Erika singing at church. At school she comes up to his locker
and asks him, if he still loves her. Aj does not know what to say.
Then he goes to the chemistry lesson. There he meets Ruthie and asks her, if she knows what love is.
Ruthie can´t answer him, because she has never been in love. Eventually Aj asks Ruthie
to come over that night to help him with his chemistry homework and she agrees.

Ruthie (page 49-52)
Ruthie goes to Aj zo help him with his homework. She is careful because Aj´s neighbourhood
looks very dangerous for her. Aj´s father opened the door and he calls Aj,
but he does not react. So Ruthie goes to his room where she meets three friends of Aj.
The boys go out of the room and then Aj´s little brother comes round and gets on his nerves.
Aj kicks hom out of his room, too. But Aj can´t practise with Ruthie,
because he left his books at school.He takes her to her car back.

Aj => Ruthie:

Ruthie => AJ :
-conceited ( eingebildet)

At first AJ does not like Ruthie. AJ thinks that Ruthie turns his life upside down. She tutors Anthony, too. AJ fears that she puts righteous and morally correct ideas in his younger brother´s head. In actual fact he dreads that she changes his brother that he behaves white. That would be a nightmare! I think that AJ´s friends abet him against Ruthie. Especially when they were sitting on the front porch. He has to prove his strength and so he behaves like a ’bugger ’. The next time she confronts him with the truth. She tells him that she is feeling like a scapegoat and that his attitude is terrible. After she told him about her knowledge about his mother they have an argument. She is very intelligent. In fact she shows that he is physically superior but she knows that she is mentally superior. So she uses her skills and doesn´t let her provoke. They make a commotion and finally she says that she is guilty. Aj would not have thought that she would do that and then he gets another point of view towards her. I think that he is appreciative because she saved his neck and that is one of the reasons why he likes her. The second reason is, that he sees, that she is very adamantine and that she only wants the best for him even though he was so bad to her. Eventually he calls her a brave girl.

So das wars ^^ smile smile smile smile smile smile smile

BeitragVerfasst am: 30. Jan 2006 15:53    Titel: Coming of Age Antworten mit Zitat

Hey danke für die tolle Hilfe bei Coming of Age würde auch mal gerne so Englisch sprechen/schreiben können. Ihr seid genial
Mit Zunge [/b]

BeitragVerfasst am: 20. Feb 2006 16:32    Titel: Re: lorri hewett-coming of age Antworten mit Zitat

sonjachen1987 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
hi @ all!!
also wir lersen in der schule gerade coming of age von lorri hewett....hat jemand da zufällig materlia was wie inhaltsangaben charakterisierungen und so weiter??? es ist egal ob sie auf englisch oder auf deutsch sind

ey ich hab alles weil wir das buch auch lesen mussten hab ich auch sachen characterisieruung und so und alles was dazu gehört habibi
ciao ciao bella.......wenn du was willst dann melde dich bei mir

BeitragVerfasst am: 28. Feb 2006 15:09    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

hi Leute, hat jemand die Zusammenpassungen von Part II und III, vielen Dank im voraus

BeitragVerfasst am: 28. Feb 2006 15:10    Titel: Re: lorri hewett-coming of age Antworten mit Zitat

Toni_Bremen hat Folgendes geschrieben:

ey ich hab alles weil wir das buch auch lesen mussten hab ich auch sachen characterisieruung und so und alles was dazu gehört habibi
ciao ciao bella.......wenn du was willst dann melde dich bei mir

könntest du mir das alles schicken?oder hier ins Forum posten "DANKE"

BeitragVerfasst am: 01. März 2006 16:23    Titel: brauche 1. part Antworten mit Zitat

HEy hat einer von euch ne inhaltsangabe oder so was vom 1. part? wäre saumegageil. und ne characterisierung von aj ruthie oder erika? das wär noch super. meldet euch bei mir bitte

[email protected]
ICQ 208512208
MSN: [email protected]

BeitragVerfasst am: 09. März 2006 12:51    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo Leute, ist schon super was ihr schreibt, hat mir sehr geholfen.
Aber ich brauche eine Inhaltsangabe zu Part 2 (Seite 53-93).
Wenn jemand eine hat, stell sie bitte hier rein. unglücklich unglücklich

BeitragVerfasst am: 20. März 2006 16:33    Titel: Hilfe Antworten mit Zitat

ich muss eine Facharbeit über dieses Buch schreiben, nur leider kann ich nirgends Info über Lorri Hewett finden, nur eben das bisschen was hinten im Buch steht (Cornelsen Ausgabe)
Wenn ihr was habt, bitte mail an [email protected] oder hier posten.


BeitragVerfasst am: 21. März 2006 13:54    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

hi habt ihr infos zu AJs mum???

PS.:(ne characterisierung wär nicht schlecht^^)

DANKE IM VORAUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

BeitragVerfasst am: 21. März 2006 14:48    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

ey schcikt mal ne lösung mein name ist marcel heinrichs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BeitragVerfasst am: 21. März 2006 14:51    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat


Das wird dir weiterhelfen Marcel ^^

BeitragVerfasst am: 21. März 2006 14:54    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat


BeitragVerfasst am: 21. März 2006 14:59    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Marcel, hast das Buch nicht gelesen? Im Buch sind zahlreiche Informationen über sie??

BeitragVerfasst am: 21. März 2006 14:59    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

ne wieso sollte ich die scheisse lesen^^

BeitragVerfasst am: 21. März 2006 15:00    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

ich habe nicht einmal für die klausur was gelesen hatte alles im Buch drin stehen

BeitragVerfasst am: 21. März 2006 15:01    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

unsere Lehrerin denkt, dass ich immer HAs mache, obwohl ich nie was mache, die sind einfach nur ...

BeitragVerfasst am: 21. März 2006 18:10    Titel: Re: noch was Antworten mit Zitat

theone hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Hier sind noch ein paar summaries und andere infrmationen:


Aj (page 5-13)
This morning Aj and Ruthie ( his lab partner) do an experiment in chemistry.
Aj puts it on a bunsen burner to see what happens.
Then it explodes and Aj wants to take her home, because she is hurt.
They drive to Ruthie´s and they talk about football.
Then her mother comes and drives Aj to school again.

Erika (page 14-16)
Aj runs into Erika after takimg Ruthie home. She is angry about him,
because he leaves school with another girl, but Erika is her girlfriend.
Then she talks with her girls about it and she wants to find out, who Ruthie is

Ruthie (page 17-23)
Ruthie leaves school for two days after the accident. She is at Centennial High School,
because her father decided, that they need more access to the black community.
In school Andrea tells her about Erika´s and Aj´s relationship.
When she goes to her second lesson she sees Erika and her girls glaring at her.
In chemistry she talks with Aj about Tuesday, when Aj drove her home. Ruthie thinks Erika
is petty.

Aj (page 45-4Rock
He does not go to listen to Erika singing at church. At school she comes up to his locker
and asks him, if he still loves her. Aj does not know what to say.
Then he goes to the chemistry lesson. There he meets Ruthie and asks her, if she knows what love is.
Ruthie can´t answer him, because she has never been in love. Eventually Aj asks Ruthie
to come over that night to help him with his chemistry homework and she agrees.

Ruthie (page 49-52)
Ruthie goes to Aj zo help him with his homework. She is careful because Aj´s neighbourhood
looks very dangerous for her. Aj´s father opened the door and he calls Aj,
but he does not react. So Ruthie goes to his room where she meets three friends of Aj.
The boys go out of the room and then Aj´s little brother comes round and gets on his nerves.
Aj kicks hom out of his room, too. But Aj can´t practise with Ruthie,
because he left his books at school.He takes her to her car back.

Aj => Ruthie:

Ruthie => AJ :
-conceited ( eingebildet)

At first AJ does not like Ruthie. AJ thinks that Ruthie turns his life upside down. She tutors Anthony, too. AJ fears that she puts righteous and morally correct ideas in his younger brother´s head. In actual fact he dreads that she changes his brother that he behaves white. That would be a nightmare! I think that AJ´s friends abet him against Ruthie. Especially when they were sitting on the front porch. He has to prove his strength and so he behaves like a ’bugger ’. The next time she confronts him with the truth. She tells him that she is feeling like a scapegoat and that his attitude is terrible. After she told him about her knowledge about his mother they have an argument. She is very intelligent. In fact she shows that he is physically superior but she knows that she is mentally superior. So she uses her skills and doesn´t let her provoke. They make a commotion and finally she says that she is guilty. Aj would not have thought that she would do that and then he gets another point of view towards her. I think that he is appreciative because she saved his neck and that is one of the reasons why he likes her. The second reason is, that he sees, that she is very adamantine and that she only wants the best for him even though he was so bad to her. Eventually he calls her a brave girl.

So das wars ^^ smile smile smile smile smile smile smile

BeitragVerfasst am: 22. März 2006 09:28    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

hat einer nicht eine zusammenfassung von part I II III und IV? also quasi vom ganzen buch das wäre echt super

BeitragVerfasst am: 22. März 2006 15:23    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

ich brauch ne Kreativ Arbeit zu der Arbeit (Bsp Kapitel weiter schreiben oder so), habt ihr was?

mfg Marcel

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. März 2006 18:25    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Schubsen wir das Thema mal ins Jahr 2006.

Vielen Dank für diesen Text! Werde dann das Buch wohl nicht mehr vorm Abi lesen müssen ^^
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