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BeitragVerfasst am: 21. Feb 2006 19:42    Titel: Text auf Fehler durchlesen Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo, ich hab ne Bitte an euch...und zwar wäre es super nett, wenn sich jemand diesen Text hier auf Fehler durchlesen könnte und ggf. korrigiert. Ich danke euch schon mal!

This research paper is supposed to give the reader a general survey of the chosen topic: Women’s lib - the fight for emancipation. In the following I will dwell on the life of the women in the 19th century, as well as on some groups, which fought for sexual equality. As famous feminists I have to mention Emmeline Pankhurst and Millicent Garrett Fawcett, who I want to introduce in detail. I will be responsive to significant parliamantary reform acts, too. But what does the term “emancipation” mean? What does women’s lib mean in general?

The word “emancipation” descends from the latin and means “exoneration from
degrading dependency”. You often use this term in connection with the ambition of the women after sexual equality in personal, social and judicial aspect.

The beginning of the feminism in Great Britain was round about 1578. At this time Margaret Tyler called for equality of educational opportunity for women and for more opportunities for women to search and write. In 1589 the first feminism author published her first scripture “Protection for Women” under the pseudonym “Jane Anger”. Her scripture is a very early basis for the english feminism. Round about 1640 several authors composed scriptures about the situation of women. The cause for this sciptures was the civil war in England.

Anmeldungsdatum: 26.01.2006
Beiträge: 117

BeitragVerfasst am: 23. Feb 2006 12:48    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

"As famous feminists I have to mention Emmeline Pankhurst and Millicent Garrett Fawcett"

Das Idiom "Als wichtig.... muss erwaehnt werden" gibt es so im Englischen nicht. Versuchs' mit "Emmeline Parkhurst and Millicent Garrett Fawcett are amongst the most famous, and .... "

"The word “emancipation” descends from the latin ..."
The word "emancipation is derived from... oder comes from .
Descend wird in diesem Kontext nicht benutzt...

"You often use this term in connection with the ambition of the women after sexual equality in personal, social and judicial aspect. "
after ist die falsche Praeposition, : "... with the a woman's ambition for sexual equality in personal, social and judicial aspects. " ist eleganter.

"Her scripture is a very early basis for the english feminism"
wohl am besten eher andersrum: d.h. "her writings are the basis of very early English feminism..."

Sonst scheint alles ok - man koennte hoechstens noch ein paar stilistische Details monieren.


A Stór Mo Chroí, when you're far away//Far from the land you'll be leaving, // It's many a time by night and by day// That your heart will be sorely grieving.
---Irish patriotic song (Brian O'Higgins)

BeitragVerfasst am: 23. Feb 2006 19:23    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Dankeschön, wirklich lieb von dir!

BeitragVerfasst am: 23. Feb 2006 19:25    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Könnte sich diesen Teil auch noch jemand durchlesen?

From the middle of the 19th century you differ the women’s movement in three waves It is also called the modern women’s movement.
The first wave, lasting from the middle of the 19th century up to the beginning of the 20th century, supported the political and civil rights of women, for example the women’s suffrage, that adopted in 1918.
The second wave started in the 1960s. This wave does not only wanted sexual equality, it called the institutions affected by men into question. Several parts of this second phase saw themselves as autonomous women’s movement.
The third wave started in the 1990s and was primarily coined in the United States. This wave went on with the ideas of the second wave in a modified way. I will have a special view on this wave in point VI

Anmeldungsdatum: 26.01.2006
Beiträge: 117

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Feb 2006 13:38    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

So, ich hab' mal meine Kommentare zwischen deinen Text geschoben:

From the middle of the 19th century you differ the women’s movement in three waves
>>"Differ" passt hier nicht - wenn schon, than "differentiate", aber>eleganter ist wohl ".... century you can divide the womens' movement into ... "

It is also called the modern women’s movement.
The first wave, lasting from the middle of the 19th century up to the beginning of the 20th century, supported the political and civil rights of women, for example the women’s suffrage, that adopted in 1918.
>>Es fehlt wohl "had been" vor "adopted". Ausserdem wuerde ich darauf hinweisen, dass man im Englischen eher selten lange Satze mit diversen Nebensaetzen sieht - es ist meist besser, diese aufzuteilen.

The second wave started in the 1960s. This wave does not only wanted sexual equality, it called the institutions affected by men into question.
>> This wave DID not only WANT ....

Several parts of this second phase saw themselves as autonomous women’s movement.
>> Vielleicht anstatt "parts of" besser "groups in" oder "groups during".

The third wave started in the 1990s and was primarily coined in the United States.
>> Der Klarheit halber solltest du wohl das Objekt zu "coin" erwaehnen, d.h. "coined by.... in the United States" .

This wave went on with the ideas of the second wave in a modified way. I will have a special view on this wave in point VI
>> "Went on" kann man so nicht verwenden - am besten ist hier "continued". Ausserdem: meinst du "special view" im Sinne, dass du der dritten Welle besonders viel Aufmerksamkeit unter Punkt VI schenken willst ? In dem Fall waere naemlich ..."pay particular attention to...." besser als "have a special view on" .



A Stór Mo Chroí, when you're far away//Far from the land you'll be leaving, // It's many a time by night and by day// That your heart will be sorely grieving.
---Irish patriotic song (Brian O'Higgins)
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