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Anmeldungsdatum: 05.09.2017
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 05. Sep 2017 18:11    Titel: GRAMMAR: TENSES Antworten mit Zitat


kann jemand meine Antworten korrigieren.

1. In 1876 Bell spoke / was speaking / has spoken on the telephone for the first time.
2. Bell had come / came / was coming from Britain.
3. Bell has been working / was working / had been working in Boston.
4. Bell wasn’t delaying / did not delay / has not delayed making further tests.
5. When Queen Victoria met Bell, she ordered / was ordering / has ordered/has been ordering/had ordered two phones for herself.
6. By 1879 Bell’s company had attracted/attracted/was attracting/has attracted more than 200 subscribers.
7. The 19th century saw/has seen / was seeing / has been seeing one of the world’s most important inventions – the telephone.
8. In 1900 calls made from public telephones cost / had cost / have cost / were costing one penny.
9. After co-axial cable was laid between London and Birmingham, several hundred simultaneous telephone conversations had become/became/
have become possible.
10. A considerable growth in the use of the telephone took place/has taken place/was taking place/has been taking place since the Second World War.
11. For some time now satellites played / have played / had played an important role in international communications.
12. Most people in the western world now have / are having / have had a mo- bile phone.

Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich alles richtig gemacht habe.

Meine Antworten:

1. In 1876 Bell spoke on the telephone for the first time. 

2. Bell came from Britain. 

3. Bell had been working in Boston. 

4. Bell did not delay making further tests. 

5. When Queen Victoria met Bell, she ordered two phones for herself. 

6. By 1879 Bell’s company had attracted more than 200 subscribers. 

7. The 19th century was seeing one of the world’s most important inventions – the telephone. 

8. In 1900 calls made from public telephones were costing one penny. 

9. After co-axial cable was laid between London and Birmingham, several hundred simultaneous telephone conversations had become possible. 

10. A considerable growth in the use of the telephone was taking place since the Second World War. 

11. For some time now satellites have played an important role in international communications. 

12. Most people in the western world now have a mobile phone. 


Anmeldungsdatum: 10.10.2017
Beiträge: 4

BeitragVerfasst am: 11. Okt 2017 14:58    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

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