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Crowdfunding Lückentext - Bitte um Überprüfung!
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Anmeldungsdatum: 09.02.2017
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 09. Feb 2017 15:40    Titel: Crowdfunding Lückentext - Bitte um Überprüfung! Antworten mit Zitat

Meine Frage:
Schönen Guten Tag.
Bitte durchlesen und gegebenfalls korrigieren bzw. Denkanstöße geben.
Ich bedanke mich im Voraus.

(1) ____________________ (you, sit) at your desk at this moment with a very innovative
idea but not enough money to start your own business? Maybe crowdfunding
(2) ____________________ (be) just the right thing for you. This is when lots of
people (3) ____________________ (invest) a little money in a start-up business,
which is where the name crowdfunding (4) ____________________ (come) from.
You (5) ____________________ (put) a profile of your idea on the internet and after
they (6) ____________________ (read) it and (7) ____________________ (think)
about it, people (Rock __________________ (decide) if they (9) ___________________
(want) to invest.
A few months ago a friend of mine (10) ____________________ (need) money to
launch the film he (11) ____________________ (make).
At the time he (12) ____________________ (work) part-time as a teacher but he
(13) ____________________ (not earn) enough for his film project.
He (14) ____________________ (find) it hard to get big investors but then he
(15) ____________________ (hear) about crowdfunding. He
(16) _________________ (describe) his business plan and (17) _________________
(offer) people free cinema tickets if they (1Rock ____________________ (invest).
He (19) __________________ (be) so successful that he (20) ___________________
(do) it again for his next film.
It is thought that the first crowdfunded project (21) _____________________ (be)
for a rock band in 1997. The fans (22) _____________________ (give) $60,000 so
that the band (23) _____________________ (can) go on tour.
In the last few years, because more and more people (24) _____________________
(start) using the internet, crowdfunding (25) _____________________ (become) a
good alternative for more potential business people.

Meine Ideen:
1) You're sitting
2) will be (oder is?)
3)are investing (oder invest?)
4) comes
5) will put (oder put?)
6)have read
8)will decide
11) made
12)was working (worked?)
13)didn't earn
14) found
16) described
18)were investing
21)will be
23) could
24) started
25) became
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    Foren-Übersicht -> Grammatik

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