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Louise by W. Somerset Maugham - Analyse - DRINGEND
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BeitragVerfasst am: 21. März 2005 20:26    Titel: Louise by W. Somerset Maugham - Analyse - DRINGEND Antworten mit Zitat

.. kann mir den folgenden Text zufällig jemand..analysieren!? *g* .. bin die absolute Niete in Englisch :-/ ..
kann auch nur in Stichpunkten sein..damit ichs dann als Text schreiben kann...wie auch immer..ich raff das ganze nur absolut nicht .. und ja..
brauchs noch heut Abend :-/
..ziemlich blöd..aber dringend..

Ist der erste Abschnitt von "Louise by W. Somerset Maugham"

I could never understand why Louise bothered with me. She disliked me and I knew that behind behind my back, in that gentle way of hers, she seldom lost the opportunity of saying a disagreeable thing about me. She had too much delicacy ever to make a direct statement, but with a hint and a sigh and a little flutter of her beautiful hands she was able to make her meaning plain. She was a mistress of cold praise. It was true that we had known one another almost intimately, for five-and-twenty years, but it was impossible for me to believe that she could be affected by the claims of old association. She thought me a coarse, brutal, cynical, and vulgar fellow. I was puzzled at her not taking the obvious course and dropping me. She did nothing of the kind; indeed, she would not leave me alone; she was constantly asking me to lunch and dine with her and once or twice a year invited me to spend a week-end at her house in the country. At last I thought that I had discovered her motive. She had an uneasy suspicion that I did not believe in her; and if that was why she did not like me, it was also why she sought my acquaintance: it galled her that I alone should look upon her as a comic figure and she could not rest till I acknowledged myself mistaken and defeated. Perhaps she had an inkling that I saw the face behind the mask and because I alone held out was determined that sooner or later I too should take the mask for the face. I was never quite certain that she was a complete humbug. I wondered whether she fooled herself as thoroughly as she fooled the world or whether there was some spark of humour at the bottom of her heart. If there was it might be that she was attracted to me, as a pair of crooks might be attracted to one another, by the knowledge that we shared a secret that was hidden from everybody else.
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    Foren-Übersicht -> Textanalysen und Interpretationen

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