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    Foren-Übersicht -> Textanalysen und Interpretationen
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BeitragVerfasst am: 27. Nov 2010 16:47    Titel: Write a comment Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo alle zusammen,
ich habe eine Hausaufgabe bekommen einen 'comment' zu schreiben zum Thema "technology". Ich habe einen schon vorgeschrieben. Es wäre nett, wenn ihr meinen 'comment' bewerten bzw. korrigieren könntet.


The discussion about the technology becomes very popular, because we don't know how far can the technology affect humans. Is the technology good or bad for us?

To begin I want to say the arguments for and against technology. On the one hand technology destroy the communication to peoples. Besides technology influence the relation to others. Last but not least technology can influence many moves, interest and future of humans. On the other hand technology give someone the chance to travel to other countries. Furthermore technology produce food and drinks faster than human-workers. Finally I want to say the technology decrease the illnes and death rate in the world, because we have more medical-medoth to heal someone.

In conclusion you can say the technology can help many peoples for illness and other things. On the other hand technology can influence comminucation and other things.
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    Foren-Übersicht -> Textanalysen und Interpretationen

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