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Comment über Vor- und Nachteile des Multikulti in D.
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BeitragVerfasst am: 23. Nov 2010 13:07    Titel: Comment über Vor- und Nachteile des Multikulti in D. Antworten mit Zitat

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Germany has become a multicultural society. Discuss the pros and cons of this development.

As lately many Germans are discussing about the integration issue in their country, one might sometimes lose the overview, what actually happens, and what the statements of radicals are. So I will discuss the pros and cons that Germany has become a multicultural society.

A well known problem for nearly everyone of us is the language. Resulting from the existing ethnic diversity many languages are spoken on Germany´s streets, and many foreigners indeed want to learn German, but are not able to pronounce the words in a proper way, consequently it happens that we as native speakers sometimes do not understand them. Failures in communication can lead to serious misunderstandings.
The cultural differences – both a blessing and a curse – are also the source of a problem. For some of our fellow citizens it does not seem to be acceptable that the world offers more than ancestral German tradition. It starts with muslim women wearing bandanas and traditional clothing but goes ahead with more serious issues which can even border to violation of civil rights caused by “traditional” role allocation especially in muslim families. The difficulty is to set a borderline where tradition ends and repression begins.

But now I want to show up some positive aspects of our multicultural society.
An obviously nice thing is the cultural input to every part of our life. Let it be arts or music, or just the different meals you can try in the restaurants owned by immigrants. Even their lifestyle seems to rub off on us sometimes. In cultural aspects ethnic diversity is clearly an enrichment in individuality for our society.
Furthermore the foreigners who live in Germany are valuable not only for society but in our economy. They are often high skilled workers and can compensate our current and future lack of skilled labour, but their importance for the unskilled sectors in industry is beyond all question, too. It is our only chance to counter our demographical problem with immigration and integration of other cultures. So to speak multiculturalism is our way to keep the society´s standards to start with basic supply of services and ending with the pension scheme.

Germany as we know it would be history without multicultural influences. We must learn to appreciate the immigrant´s tribute to our society and give them better chances for integration. This will be the only way to face racist ideas coming up with not understanding cultural characteristics.
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