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curriculum vitae
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Anmeldungsdatum: 15.01.2010
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 15. Jan 2010 11:40    Titel: curriculum vitae Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo ihr Lieben,
ich würde gerne heute mein CV zur Korrektur stellen. Bei der Erstellung habe ich gemerkt, dass mein Lebenslauf nicht sonderlich geradlinig verlaufen ist. Tanzen Ich habe mich durch viele Foren geklickt um die passende Form zu finden, dass Ganze soll nämlich demnächst nach England auf die Reise gehen, da ich dort eine Art Holiday Work in der Gastronomie machen werde. Demnächst folgt auch noch mein letter of motivation - an dem bastel ich momentan aber noch.
Für Korrekturen, Verbesserungsvorschläge ect. bin ich dankbar. (Ich habe auch schon daran gedacht solche Kleinigkeiten wie Realschulabschluss raus zu lassen.)
Liebe Grüße



Name: Karsten ******
Address: ******
Telephone: ******
Mobil: ******
E-Mail: ******
Nationality: German
Date of birth: ******


July 2009 - March 2010
community service at the Office of the Commissioner of foreigners and migration of the city of Weimar, Thuringia (community service takes nine months in Germany)
• office work (processing of incoming mails and telephone calls)
• assisted in the organisation and planning of events at the Intercultural Weeks in Weimar (readings, dancing party, street festival)
• assisted in the organisation and planning of the presentation of the Human Rights Award and the following International Human Rights Conference of the city of Weimar
• creation of flyers, programmes, posters, documentations and press portfolios for the Intercultural Weeks, the presentation of the Human Rights Award and the Human Rights Conference
• administration of the web page
• minor activities as a waiter (festivals and receptions)
• translation (English - German - English) of papers, letters and e-mails

March - Sept 2006
healthcare assistant at the „Asklepios“ hospital in Bad Wildungen (six months)
• care for patients at the department of vascular surgery
• support by daily routine (e.g. washing, dressing and meal)
• assistance by exercise therapies for patients
• preparation of sickrooms for new patients
• meal service for patients


Oct 2004 assistance as a drama educator at the „D.A.S.“ youth theatre in Weimar (four weeks)
March 2004 assistance as a caretaker at the “Curanum” nursing home in Jena (four weeks)
Sept 2002 assistance as a bookbinder at the “Harfe” bookbindery (two weeks) in Bad Blankenburg
April 2002 assistance as a lab assistant at the waterworks of Zeigerheim (two weeks)


Nov 2005 - March 2006
further education at the adult education centre Hermannsburg
• seminars in psychology, communication and politics
• organise a social project for kindergartners
• acquire of an performance (Jura Soyfer “The End of the World”)
• workshop in mediation


2006 - 2009
Thueringenkolleg Weimar / Abitur (Thuringia College Weimar / A-levels)

2003 - 2005
Hoehere Berufsfachschule Weimar / Sozialassistent (vocational school Weimar / social assistant)

1997 - 2003
Doebereiner Regelschule / Regelschulabschluss (Doebereiner seconday school / O-levels)


Mother tongue: German
Other languages: English, Latin, Russian (basic skills)

voluntary service at the Nationaltheater Weimar (national theatre of Weimar)
• support of the Schultheatertage (school theatre days)

bit player at the youth theatre group of the national theatre of Weimar (Friedrich Schiller “The Maid of Orleans”, Franz Grillparzer “Medea”)

theatre work, watching plays and films, reading, computers, picture editing

Anmeldungsdatum: 06.01.2010
Beiträge: 15

BeitragVerfasst am: 15. Jan 2010 15:24    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Ich habe den Anfang des CVs so gelernt:

(Adresse des Absenders)

(Adresse des Empfängers - mit Tel. und E-Mail)

(Ort, Datum)

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