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tourism in germany - referat
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BeitragVerfasst am: 07. Jul 2009 15:05    Titel: tourism in germany - referat Antworten mit Zitat

also liebe leute
ich muss morgen ein englisch referat halten
und das ist ziemlich wichtig da ich englisch ablegen werde und die diesjährige note dann im abschlusszeugnis auftaucht....leider steh ich auf der kippe ,...darum sollte das referat gut klappen
wär echt nett wenn sich das mal jemand durchlesen könnte und verbesserungsmöglichkeiten vorschlagen würde!!
DANKE! Big Laugh

Today I would like to give you a short presentation about tourism in Germany.

Though one wouldn't think of Germany as a typical country to spend one's holiday, you can be sure that Germany can rival Spain, Italy or Turkey to some extent.
Germany is the 7th most visited travel destination in the world.
Especially important for the tourism in Germany are its capital Berlin, which is the 8th most visited city worldwide, and the state of Bavaria.
But this isn't surprising since foreigners always refer to beer drinking, lederhosen wearing men when they are talking about Germany.

The most famous event in Germany is the Oktoberfest, the world's largest fair.
It's frequently also called “d'Wiesn“.
It takes place on the end of September and runs to early October.
About 6 million people visit the Oktoberfest every year and every year there are more and more visitors from abroad.
Tourists come to see the big tents of the different breweries. For example there is the Hofbräu Festzelt, the second largest tent at the Oktoberfest.
But the Oktoberfest isn't only about drinking huge amounts of beer. Tourists can find a lot of rides, too.
The most famous one is perhaps the big wheel. It offers a great view of the Theresienwiese, the ground where the Oktoberfest is held.

Another famous sight in Bavaria is Neuschwanstein Castle.
It was built in the 19th century by the Bavarian king Ludwig II of Bavaria. In summer there are up to 6,000 visitors daily. Neuschwanstein Castle is the most photographed building in Germany. It appeared in a lot of films and has been the inspiration for the Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland. So you can see it is a great attraction in Germany.

But in Berlin there is a building which is almost as well known as Neuschwanstein Castle. It's the Brandenburg Gate. It is one of the main symbols for Berlin and Germany. On the top of the Brandenburg Gate there is Victoria, the goddess of victory. She stands on a coach pulled by four horses.
The Brandenburg Gate was built at the end of the 18th century as a sign of peace. It has played different roles in German policy. But its design has not really changed throughout the years.

Other sights in Berlin are the Reichstag with its glass dome or the famous Radio Tower Berlin, for example.

So as one can see, Germany has something to offer! Augenzwinkern

Thank you for your attention!

Anmeldungsdatum: 09.04.2006
Beiträge: 549

BeitragVerfasst am: 07. Jul 2009 15:26    Titel: Re: tourism in germany - referat Antworten mit Zitat

Ich habs mal durchgelesen und korrigiert, aber ich fand es schon recht gut. Machte gar nicht den Eindruck, als würdest du auf der Kippe stehen smile

P.S.: Beim nächsten Mal besser etwas früher vor dem Referat sowas posten, sonst kann es evtl. niemand mehr so schnell korrigieren.

eva-maria hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Today I would like to give you a short presentation about tourism in Germany.

Though you (ich würde "one" weglassen und durchgehend "you" verwenden, das klingt natürlicher im Englischen) wouldn't think of Germany as a typical country to spend your holiday, you can be sure that Germany can compete with Spain, Italy or Turkey to some extent.
Germany is the 7th most visited travel destination in the world.
Especially important for (das "the" muss weg) tourism in Germany are its capital Berlin, which is the 8th most visited city worldwide, and the state of Bavaria.
But this isn't surprising since foreigners always refer to beer drinking men wearing "lederhosen" when they are talking about Germany.

The most famous event in Germany is the Oktoberfest, the world's largest fair.
It's frequently also called “d'Wiesn“.
It takes place at the end of September and lasts until early October.
About 6 million people visit the Oktoberfest per year and the number of visitors from abroad increases every year.
Tourists come to see the big tents of the different breweries. For example, there is the Hofbräu Festzelt, the second largest tent at the Oktoberfest.
But the Oktoberfest isn't only about drinking huge amounts of beer. Tourists can find a lot of rides, too.
The most famous one is perhaps the big wheel. It offers a great view of the Theresienwiese, the ground where the Oktoberfest is held.

Another famous sight in Bavaria is Neuschwanstein Castle.
It was built in the 19th century by (das "the Bavarian" kann weg, da er ja schon "of Bavaria" heißt) king Ludwig II of Bavaria. In summer there are up to 6,000 visitors daily. Neuschwanstein Castle is the most photographed building in Germany. It appeared in a lot of films and has been the inspiration for the Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland. So you can see it is a great attraction in Germany.

But in Berlin there is a building which is almost as well known as Neuschwanstein Castle. It's the Brandenburg Gate. It is one of the main symbols of Berlin and Germany. On top of the Brandenburg Gate there is Victoria, the goddess of victory. She stands on a coach pulled by four horses.
The Brandenburg Gate was built at the end of the 18th century as a sign of peace. It has played different roles in German policy. But its design has not really changed throughout the years.

Other sights in Berlin are the Reichstag with its glass dome or the famous Radio Tower Berlin for example.

So as you can see, Germany has something to offer! Augenzwinkern

Thank you for your attention!
Eva-Maria & Peter

BeitragVerfasst am: 07. Jul 2009 17:18    Titel: DANKE Antworten mit Zitat

ja eig war das mein bruder
ich hab ihm erzählt ich sei hier angemeldet
und er meinte dann ob er da mal sein referat reinstellen könnte

und er ist wirklich begeistert, dass das hier so schnell geht

ein dickes dankeschön nochmal von meinem Bruder!!!
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