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Coffee ... BITTE Korrigieren!!!
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Anmeldungsdatum: 01.02.2007
Beiträge: 38

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Apr 2007 21:43    Titel: Coffee ... BITTE Korrigieren!!! Antworten mit Zitat


hätte jemand zeit meinen text zu korrigieren??? Hilfe

wäre nett von euch.

DANKE im voraus.


First of all I would like to answer your question. Yes the facts, which are mention in the article, are true. Starbucks has opened some stores in Vienna.
I have read some articles concerning this special topic. The opinions of the restaurateurs were surprising.
One restaurateur thinks that the branch will be more interesting because of the international sellers.
Another representative of the coffee industry thinks that people associate drinking coffee with the following attribute: cosiness. Therefore, the atmosphere of the coffee house is more important for the customers than the coffee.
It is also very interesting how the people, who living there, think about this topic. One opinion is that Starbucks won’t be a competitor. It will be a completion according to the current coffee offers.
I am of the opinion that the customers, which stay usual in coffee houses, won’t change to Starbucks because they like the feeling and the atmosphere. I think that Starbucks will attract young people this kind of people, who haven’t got any time for coffee houses. This is also positive for the coffee houses because when Starbucks is able to attract such people, maybe they will visit coffee houses in the future.

Anmeldungsdatum: 09.04.2006
Beiträge: 549

BeitragVerfasst am: 19. Apr 2007 12:30    Titel: Re: Coffee ... BITTE Korrigieren!!! Antworten mit Zitat

Luethien hat Folgendes geschrieben:
First of all, I would like to answer your question. Yes, the facts mentioned in the article are true (klingt so deutlich eleganter). Starbucks has opened some stores in Vienna.
I have read some articles concerning this special topic. The opinions of the restaurateurs (was genau meinst du mit diesem Wort? Ist mir so nicht geläufig) were surprising.
One restaurateur thinks that the branch will be more interesting because of the international sellers.
Another representative of the coffee industry thinks that people associate drinking coffee with the following attribute: cosiness. Therefore, the atmosphere of the coffee house is more important for the customers than the coffee. (In diesem Teil verwendest du sehr häufig "think" als Verb, da solltest du am besten noch Alternativen zu finden)
It is also very interesting how the people living there think about this topic. One opinion is that Starbucks will not (Kurzformen sind im schriftlichen Englisch nicht gebräuchlich) be a competitor. It will be a completion according to the current coffee offers.
I am of the opinion that the customers, who stay in coffee houses usually, won’t change to Starbucks because they like the feeling and the atmosphere. I think that Starbucks will attract young people and the kind of people who haven’t got any time for coffee houses. This is also positive for the coffee houses because when Starbucks is able to attract such people, maybe they will visit coffee houses in the future.

So, ich hoffe das Wesentliche gefunden zu haben smile
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