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Anmeldungsdatum: 01.02.2007
Beiträge: 38

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. März 2007 10:31    Titel: Zusammenfassung Artikel: bitte korrigieren Antworten mit Zitat


ich schreibe am di eine englisch arbeit und hab dazu folgende zusammenfassung eines artikels geschrieben.

hoffe mir kann jemand helfen und mir tipps geben welche fehler ich mache und wie ich sie vermeide.

DANKE im voraus.



The article was published in the “Guardian” on 20th March 2006 by David Adam.

Experts in Colorado are afraid of the current situation of Arctic sea ice. Because of satellite pictures they found out that 20 % of the sea ice does not extinct anymore.
For instance, you can compare this figure with the double area of Texas.
This dramatically change is caused by a cycle of warm air.
Tod Scanbos, a scientist of the Colorado centre, has a possible explanation. He says that the dark water absorbs the mean heat from the sun and therefore it gets warmer. The normal situation would be that the white ice reflects the heat.
Because of this phenomenon climate changes faster and we can reckon with environmental disasters earlier.
The lose of ice reached its minimum in September this year. The decline was about 2,05 square miles. Unfortunately, this was not the first decline. The records are keeping for four years by satellites.
Another increase is in the temperature of the Atlantic Ocean surface by 3° C.
One extremely example shows the dimensions of this increase:

Passages, like the northwest and northeast, were completely free of ice in this summer months.

However, hot summer days are not the only responsible party. The begin is in springtime and this year there was a much earlier start as before.

Although experts like Duncan Wingham mean that we are able to recover the situation by bringing down the atmospheric temperature. This measure could bring the ice back. However nothing will help to reform the Greenland ice sheet because of the too warm climate.

Anmeldungsdatum: 03.07.2004
Beiträge: 1389

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. März 2007 12:02    Titel: Korrekturvorschlag Antworten mit Zitat

Mein Korrekturvorschlag:

The article was published in the “Guardian” on 20th March 2006 by David Adam.

Experts in Colorado are afraid of the current situation of Arctic Sea ice. Because of satellite pictures they have found out that 20 % of the sea ice does not extinct anymore.
For instance, you can compare this figure with the double area size of Texas.
This dramatically change is caused by a cycle of warm air.
Tod Scanbos, a scientist of the Colorado centre, has a possible explanation. He says that the dark water absorbs the mean heat from the sun and therefore it is getting warmer. The normal situation would be that the white ice reflects the heat.
Because of this phenomenon climate is changing faster and we can reckon with environmental disasters earlier.
The lose of ice will reach its minimum by September this year. The decline was about 2,05 square miles. Unfortunately, this was not the first decline. The records are kept for four years by satellites.
Another increase has been noticed on the temperature of the Atlantic Ocean surface of 3° C.
One extremely example shows the dimensions of this increase:

Passages, like the northwest and northeast, were completely free of ice in this summer months.

However, hot summer days are not the only responsible reason. The begin of summer was in springtime and this year there was a much earlier start than before.

Although experts like Duncan Wingham think that we would be able to recover the situation by bringing down the atmospheric temperature. That measuring could bring the ice back. However nothing will help to reform the Greenland ice sheet because of the too warm climate.


LG Ulli

Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.

Spanish proverb

Anmeldungsdatum: 01.02.2007
Beiträge: 38

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. März 2007 12:33    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

DANKE, DANKE, DANKE für die Korrektur. Gott Gott

Anmeldungsdatum: 17.08.2006
Beiträge: 399

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. März 2007 14:12    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Im ersten Satz würde ich den Namen des Artikels erwähnen.
"20 % of the sea ice does not extinct anymore" du meinst wohl "exist"? "Extinct" heißt "verschwinden, aussterben".
"dramatical (Adjektiv) change"
"the major part of the heat from th sun". Dass du "mean" und "main" verwechselst, habe ich bereits in dem anderen Thread geschrieben).
"The lose of ice will reach its minimum by September this year." Falls du mit "this year" 2006 meinst, war "reached" natürlich richtig. Im Übrigen sagtr der Satz aus, dass im September die Abnahme am geringsten war. Willst du das wirklich sagen und nicht, dass so wenig Eis da war wie noch nie zuvor?
"one extreme (wiederum Adjektiv, da musst du aufpassen) example"
Wenn dann heißt es "the beginning of summer"?
"Although experts like Duncan Wingham think" Statt "although" ("obwohl", das leitet einen Nebensatz ein) muss da "nevertheless" ("nichtsdestotrotz")oder etwas ähnliches stehen.

Anmeldungsdatum: 01.02.2007
Beiträge: 38

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. März 2007 20:14    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

@Goldenhind: danke, dass du dir das nochmal angesehen hast. werd deine ratschläge befolgen.
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