Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 31. Jan 2006 18:49    Titel:

danke euch für eure hilfe
BeitragVerfasst am: 29. Jan 2006 21:15    Titel:

Erst einmal:

"life" = das Leben (Substantiv) ABER
"live" = leben (Verb)

voluntaryly -> voluntarily

life-line ist in dem genannten Kontext nicht richtig - einfahc nur "life" ist viel besser

Es sind noch diverse Grammatikfehler vorhanden, aber ich hab jetzt leider keine Zeit.


BeitragVerfasst am: 29. Jan 2006 16:09    Titel: Re: correction

To discuss about muslims who are living in western countries and are trying to find a way to live that seeks a compromise between their traditions and their modern sorrounding I would like to touch up the most important element.
In Germany there are many people from different countries and cultures, like me. I am from turkey but live since i am born in Germany. To life between different cultures has in my point of view advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantage is that you come in contact with someone who hasn´t the same habist and manners like you and you can learn from eachother. For me as a muslim for example, it was special to celebrate christmas with my christian friends and for them to celebrate with my family bayram. I think it`s not always easy to life as a muslim in Germany. Most people have prejudices against women who wear a scarf. They can`t understand that they wear it voluntaryly and they often think that it´s like a kink of oppression. We are all individuals able to chose our own life-line. I think women who wear a scarf deserve respect and not declining. We live in the 21. century where people are still judged by their outward appearance. The best example for this is the constitution, which doesn't allow teachers and doctors to wear a scarf in their jobs. In my opinion, people should wear what they want and should show which Religion he or she belongs to, because that shouldn´t distur anybody in anyway.
I think children who are living between different cultures can´t find a compromise between their tradition and modern sorrounding without problems.

so würd chs schreiben aber ich bin seklsbt nich so gut in englisch und manche wörter kannte ich auch nicht

bei distur: was heißt das? oder meintest du disturb?

und bei der komma setzung: weiß ncith ob das stimmt das haben wir in der shcule nie gelernt Big Laugh
BeitragVerfasst am: 29. Jan 2006 15:44    Titel: correction

hi leute bräuchte dringend eure hilfe um meine englisch auf fordermann zu bringen,denn leider ist mein englisch krotten schlecht. wäre euch dankbar wenn ihr mein text verbessern könntet mein style ist ziemlich deutsch wenn ihr versteht was ich meine!!

To discuss about muslims who living in western countries and are trying to find a way to life that seeks a compromise between their traditions and their modern sorrounding I would like to touch up the most important element.
In Germany there are many people from different countries and cultures, like me. I am from turkey but life since i am born in Germany. To life between differen cultures has in my point of view advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantage is that you came in contact with someone who hasn´t the same habist and manners like you and you can learn from eachother. For me as a muslim for exampel it was special to seleprate christmas with my christian friends and for them to seleprate with my family bayram. I think it`s not everytime easy to life as a muslim in Germany. Most people have prejudices against woman who wear a scarf. They can`t understand that they wear it voluntaryly and they often think that it´s like a kink of oppression. We are all individuals able to chosse our own life-line. I think womans who wear a scarf deserve respect and not declining. We life in the 21. century where people are still judged by their looking. The best exampel for this is the constitution, which dosen´t allowed teachers and doctors to wear a scarf in their jobs. In my opinion people should wear what they want and should show which Religion he or she has because that shouldn´t distur anybody in anyway.
I think children who living between different cultures can´t find a compromise between their tradition and modern sorrounding without problems.

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