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BeitragVerfasst am: 20. Jan 2006 21:29    Titel:

Vielen Dank Vetra smile
BeitragVerfasst am: 20. Jan 2006 20:31    Titel:

At the beginning of the novel, Moria Davidson drinks a lot of alcohol and is a real party girl, but she changes during the novel.How does she change and why does she change?

Moria Davidson does change her life during the novel because of Dwight Towers.I think that Moria Davidson likes him and that's the reason why she changes her life. Dwight Towers doesn`t like that she drinks so much. She tries to change her habits for Dwight Towers and for herself because she had understood that life is too short, and she has to change her life before it's too late. Maybe she had hoped that Dwight marries her or stays in Australia to spend his life with her.

So ist es jetzt richtig.

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Jan 2006 12:17    Titel:

also ist das richtig wie ich daraus gesehen habe??!?!?!?!?!
BeitragVerfasst am: 17. Jan 2006 16:34    Titel: Re: Ist das so richtig?

jenny hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Mache garade Hausaufgaben und weiß nicht ob ich bei meiner Antwort auf eine Frage die richtige Zeit gewählt habe.

At the beginning of the Novel, Moria Davidson drinks a lot of alcohol and is a real party Girl, but she change during the novel.How does she change and why does she change?

Moria Davidson does change her live during the novel because of Dwight Towers.I think that Moria Davidson likes him and thats the reason why she changes her live. Dwight Towers didn`t like that she Drinks so much. She tries to change her live for Dwight Towers and for herself because she had understood that life is to short, and she has to change her live before its to late. Maybe she had hoped that Dwight marries her or stay in Australia to spend his live with her.

Vieleicht könnt ihr mir ja Helfen grübelnd

Hi smile

gehe auf dann auf Schreibschule, dort findest du alles Wichtige fürs Schreiben. smile
BeitragVerfasst am: 17. Jan 2006 14:31    Titel: Ist das so richtig?

Mache garade Hausaufgaben und weiß nicht ob ich bei meiner Antwort auf eine Frage die richtige Zeit gewählt habe.

At the beginning of the Novel, Moria Davidson drinks a lot of alcohol and is a real party Girl, but she change during the novel.How does she change and why does she change?

Moria Davidson does change her live during the novel because of Dwight Towers.I think that Moria Davidson likes him and thats the reason why she changes her live. Dwight Towers didn`t like that she Drinks so much. She tries to change her live for Dwight Towers and for herself because she had understood that life is to short, and she has to change her live before its to late. Maybe she had hoped that Dwight marries her or stay in Australia to spend his live with her.

Vieleicht könnt ihr mir ja Helfen grübelnd

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