Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 29. Nov 2005 18:59    Titel: .... achja, und über mohandas ghandi gibts auch noch was....

wäre super, wenn ihr den text auch noch mal kurz kontrollieren könntet:

Indian got its independence after two centuries of colonial rule in 1947. Mohanda Gandhi, later he earned the title "Mahatma" which mean "Great Soul", was very important for this great success. He was the spiritual and political leader of India who led the struggle for India's independence from the British Empire, empowered by tens of millions of Indians. Throughout his life he opposed any form of terrorism or violence. His philosophy of nonviolence, has influenced national and international nonviolent resistance movements to this day.
Gandhi's world-famous "Salt March" was an act of protest against the British salt tax in colonial India. Ghandi and many other Indian men set out, on foot, for a coastel village called Dandi some 240 miles away to make his own salt. This campaign should also explain the "civil disobedience" and was one of his most successful.
By "civil disobedience" he understand the courage not to obey an unjust law and not to attack or to kill somebody whatever happens, to beware the self-respect, not to strike a blow, but to receive them and to make others see their injustice through the pain of the (Gerechten).

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