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BeitragVerfasst am: 11. Sep 2005 10:42    Titel: Henslowe


Aber das sollte auch in der Ausarbeitung zum Film "Shakespeare in Love" gesagt werden.

Gruß von der Waterkant,
BeitragVerfasst am: 10. Sep 2005 12:05    Titel:

Hi! Sry konnte nicht eher Antworten, da mein PC kaputt war. Henslow war meiner Meinung nach der Besitzer des Theaters "Rose".
BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Sep 2005 20:40    Titel: Re: etwas für Englishkönner brauche hilfe bei Korrektur die

Korrektur nach Schnelldurchsicht:

The movie "Shakespeare in Love" is about Shakespeare wanting to write a new play called "Romeo and Ethel the Sea Pirate´s Daughter". Philip Henslowe is indepted to Richard Barbage (a famous actor) for some money. Henslowe meets Barbage to promise him the proceeds of the new play. He looks up Shakespeare as well to tell him that he has to finish the play quickly. But Shakespeare has not yet begun to write down his ideas. He is described as a man with a lot of women. He is married and has children. Shakespeare suffers from writer´s block. His psychiatrist suggests that his sex life is responsible for the writer´s block. That´s why (???) he gives him an enamoring (???) bangle.

(Frage: Wer ist Henslowe?)

BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Sep 2005 18:27    Titel:

wäre nett wenn jemand den Text mal ebend korrigieren könnte... bin mir total unsicher mit den Zeiten,....
BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Sep 2005 12:25    Titel: etwas für Englishkönner brauche hilfe bei Korrektur die 3te

Hi! Wollte mal fragen, ob ihr diesen Text ebend auf Grammatikfehler überprüfen könnt:

The film " Shakespeare in Love" is aabout Shakespeare who wants to create a new play callend " Romeo and Ethal the pirates daughter". Philip Henslowe is be in dept by Richard Barbage, a most famous actor. Henslowe promised him to get the proceeds of the new play. Also he looked ip for Shakespeare to tell him that he must finished the play fastly. But Shakespeare hasn^t began to write down his ideas. He is describe as a men with a lot of woman. He is married and has children. Shakespeare suffers at an "Schreibblokade" (hab das wort überall gesucht aber nichts gefunden). His psychiatrist means that his sex life is responsibble for the "Schreibblokade. Thats why he is donating him an enamoring bangle.

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