Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Mai 2005 18:32    Titel:

Richtig ist: Conditional I , Passiv

wird gebildet mit could + be + 3. Verbform

Warum das Passiv verwendet wird siehe

LG Ulli smile
BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Mai 2005 17:06    Titel: Re: Sätze

Ulli hat Folgendes geschrieben:

also Big Laugh

1.The first ships that had reached (=wieso nimmt man hier past perfect?) the colonies in America were (und hier dann simple past?gut, die handlung ist abgeschloschlossen...aber wieso nimmt man dann beim ersten nicht auch simple past?)

Sorry, natürlich meinte ich hier simple past geschockt Augenzwinkern ok!

als lösung wurde uns aber had reached und were angegeben. ich weiß nicht warum

2. ... that they were shown favour by God and that God had given( wieso nicht simple past?) them America.

were shown ist simple past in der Passivform

ich meine aber das had given! ???

3.they were lighter and faster and could been moved (was ist das für eine zeitform? warum muss die hier genommen werden?) more easily.

could be moved ist Conditional I , Passivform, .

could be moved ist also simple past , was ber ist could been moved?

wieso muss man hier could been moved nehmen? das verstehe ich gar nicht!

grübelnd Hilfe unglücklich bitte helft mir!
BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Mai 2005 15:09    Titel:

Ich glaube, dass sollte dann das Present Perfect im Passiv sein. Mit dem 'been' ist das doch immer so, ...
Also ich bin mir zwar nicht ganz sicher, aber so um die 70% bin ich mir schon sicher...
Also, Present Perfect, sage ich!

BeitragVerfasst am: 17. Mai 2005 20:24    Titel: Re: Sätze


also Big Laugh

1.The first ships that had reached (=wieso nimmt man hier past perfect?) the colonies in America were (und hier dann simple past?gut, die handlung ist abgeschloschlossen...aber wieso nimmt man dann beim ersten nicht auch simple past?)

Sorry, natürlich meinte ich hier simple past geschockt Augenzwinkern ok!

2. ... that they were shown favour by God and that God had given( wieso nicht simple past?) them America.

were shown ist simple past in der Passivform

ich meine aber das had given! ???

3.they were lighter and faster and could been moved (was ist das für eine zeitform? warum muss die hier genommen werden?) more easily.

could be moved ist simple past, Passivform, siehe Satz 2 .

could be moved ist also simple past , was ber ist could been moved?
BeitragVerfasst am: 17. Mai 2005 20:07    Titel:

Ein paar sachen verstehe ich nicht. könnt ihr mir das bitte erklären?

1.The first ships taht had reached (=wieso nimmt man hier past perfect?) the colonies in America were (und hier dann simple past?gut, die handlung ist abgeschloschlossen...aber wieso nimmt man dann beim ersten nicht auch simple past?)

2. ... that they were shown favour by God and that God had given( wieso nicht simple past?) them America.

3.they were lighter and faster and could been moved (was ist das für eine zeitform? warum muss die hier genommen werden?) more easily.

unglücklich unglücklich unglücklich unglücklich
BeitragVerfasst am: 15. Mai 2005 21:36    Titel:

Schon okay Augenzwinkern smile

LG Ulli
BeitragVerfasst am: 15. Mai 2005 20:44    Titel:

vielan Dank!!!Maxx
BeitragVerfasst am: 15. Mai 2005 19:55    Titel: Berichtigung

Hi Maxx, Augenzwinkern

hier meine Korrektur

The first ships that had reached (reach) the colonies in America were (abgeschlossene Handlung) (be) Spanish. They were given (give) to Christopher Columbus. The Spanish were (be) very proud and believed (believe) that they were shown (show) favour by God and that God had given (give) them America.

They didn´t want (not want) other Europeans there. They were considered (consider) their greatest rivals.

In 1588 a large fleet of 130 ships was sent (send) by the Spanish King Philip to attack England.

At that time, war at sea was fought (fight) by soldiers, not by sailors.
The English didn´t have ( not have) as many ships as the Spanish, so the Spanish were (be) sure that they would win(win) the battle.
But the English ships were(be) very well built. They were (be) lighter and faster and could (can) move (move) more easily.

So the Spanish ships were defeated (defeat) by the English ships. Of the Spanish fleet, the Armada, only 67 ships returned (return) to Spain.

Half of them were (be) so badly damaged that they never sailed (sail) again.

Vergleiche mit deinem Text. Auf

kannst dir das Thema Passiv nochmals anschauen und auch üben.

LG Ulli smile
BeitragVerfasst am: 15. Mai 2005 15:43    Titel: Aktiv/Passiv


hier habe ich noch eine Aufgabe, bei der man neben der richtigen passivform auch noch zwischen aktiv und passiv wählen muss.
ich habe es einfach versucht...

The first ships that had reached (reach) the colonies in America had been (be) Spanish. They had been given (give) to Christopher Columbus. The Spanish had been (be) very proud and believed (believe) taht they were shown (show) favour by God and that God gave (give) them America.

They didn´t want (not want) other Europeans there. They were considered (consider) their greatest rivals.

In 1588 a large fleet of 130 ships had been sent (send) by the spanish King Philip to attack England.

At that time, war at sea had been fought (fight) by soldiers, not by sailors.
The English didn´t have ( not have) as many ships as the Spanish, so the Spanish were (be) sure that they will win(win) the battle.
But the English ships had been (be) very well built. They were (be) lighter and faster and could (can) move (move) more easily.

So the Spanish ships were defeated (defeat) by the English ships. Of the Spanish fleet, the Armada, only 67 ships returned (return) to Spain.

Half of them were (be) so badly damaged that they never sailed (sail) again.

ich finde die aufgabe sehr schwierig traurig unglücklich , habe jetzt einfach mal so eingesetzt wie ich es dachte.
Könnt ihr mir bitte sagen, wie es richtig sein muss?!

lg Maxx

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