Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 16. Nov 2014 17:48    Titel: Korrekturlesen motivational letter Studium USA

Meine Frage:
ich möchte mich für ein Auslandssemester in den USA bewerben und brauche dafür ein fehlerfreies Motivationsschreiben. Es wäre schön, wenn es jemand korrekturlesen und verbessern könnte.

Meine Ideen:
Dear members of the selection committee,
First of all I would like to introduce myself. My name is ... and at the moment I am in my second year of translation studies (B.A.) in English and Spanish at the University of ...

Since English is one of my working languages and working with it does not only require a high level of language skills but a certain understanding of culture and conventions, I would like to apply for an exchange semester at your university. In the following I would like to describe you the reasons for my application in detail.
For one thing, it is both my personal and educational interest to learn about life and people in the USA. Living there will allow me to understand their culture habits and customs which is an indispensable skill for my future work. For another thing, translators usually translate only into their native language but because there are not enough qualified English native speakers with knowledge of the German language, it is common for German translator to deal with this too. Therefore a high level of language skills are essential for my work and studying in an English speaking country will help me develop and perfect these skills. Apart from this, getting in direct contact with everyday and academic English will enhance my overall understanding of the language with regard to word connotations, dialect and specific situations which is important for work as a translator.
Studying at the University of ... will complete my studies through the possibility to attend courses which my university or others do not offer. A personal field of interest are sociolects and I am very happy to see that the ... offers courses in Spanish and English sociolinguistics. Besides I would like to learn different approaches of translation theory since I was taught mainly the German Schools of translation. In return I could bring a new view of the matter to my fellow students. An interesting challenge will be the translation from English to Spanish and the other way round, in other words, form one foreign language into another. Therefore I would like to enroll in one of the Spanish translation courses. A further focus of my studies at the ... will lay on cultural studies, especially on American culture studies, since they are not included in the curriculum of my university.

Overall studying in the USA will be a great experience and a useful completion for my translational studies. I?m looking forward to be a student of University of ... and to benefit from research and teaching, as well as to apply myself as much as possible.

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