Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 20. Jan 2014 17:09    Titel: Composition Hilfe

Meine Frage:
Hallo ihr Lieben.
ich habe zur Übung eine composition geschrieben zum Thema: multiculturalism makes society richer. discuss!
Wäre wirklich nett von euch, wenn ihr mal drüber lest und mir noch Tipps geben könntet. smile
Viele liebe Grüße!

Meine Ideen:
Currently it is reported a lot about the different cultures here in Germany.
In television, in newspapers, online or even at school. Mostly it is stated that multiculturalism makes society richer. In the following this topic will be discussed.

On the one hand, many immigrants will not be tolerated, because there are so many prejudices or stereotypes about "foreigners?. For example, Poland are defined as work-shy thieves, Black Africans as stupid, dirty and smelly and Arabs ?are? terrorists. In addition, many forget that there are several different religious views and thus they are sometimes responsible for behavior or clothing.

On the other hand, our palates are sent on a culinary adventure due to the many different cultures, if you do not feel like eating the typical boring German food. The various spices and styles to prepare the food can varies the food very often. Generally there is a cultural exchange; the food is not the only thing, which is different. There are many other sectors like the tongue or the religion.

All in all multiculturalism is a good thing, but finally it depends on whether people can accept it or even want accept that people, who are not like yourself, live with you in the same country.

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