Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 08. Dez 2012 19:05    Titel:

Es soweit richtig. Allerdings nimmt man in bejahten Sätzen meist a lot of
statt many oder much (außer bei so many /so much).
BeitragVerfasst am: 08. Dez 2012 18:01    Titel: Ist das so richtig?

Meine Frage:
Also ich muss entweder much oder many eingeben, und ich wäre sehr dankbar, (wenn nötig) für eine korrektur.

Meine Ideen:
a. He drank his coffee with many lumps of sugar and much milk
b. there were so many people that I couldn´t see much of the play.
c. How much money did you pay for that basket of apples and how many apples are there in the basket?
d. There was so much traffic on the roud that i couldn´t count how many we met
e. At first he asked many questions, but later he didn´t speak very much.

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