Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 29. Apr 2005 13:33    Titel:

Um... as far as I know, that is not a word. If you meant emotionless, this is something/someone who feels nothing, (happy, sad, etc.). Inertia is being unwilling to move, or according to physics is the concept of ... when something is in motion, it will stay in motion, when something is still, it will stay unmoving, unless acted upon by another force. Nothing can be inertialess, I guess, if someone said it as a joke, or trying to get their point across, it would mean they never stop moving.
BeitragVerfasst am: 24. Apr 2005 23:15    Titel: Bedeutung von "inertionless"


Weiß jemand was "inertionless" heißt? Hier mal im Kontext:

"These results prove a practically inertionless character of the dying-out process and excluded the hypothesis of a luminescence phenomenon."

Also in meinem Lexikon stehts so nicht drin. Das einzige was so ähnlich aussieht ist "inertial", aber kann das ne Form davon sein? Wenn ja was heißt das in dieser Form? Oder isses doch was ganz anderes? Naja egal, ich bin froh wenns mir jemand sagen kann. Zunge raus

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