Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 21. März 2012 00:54    Titel:

Noch interessiert? Dann setze ich mich mal dran.

BeitragVerfasst am: 15. März 2012 16:48    Titel: Bitte Text verbessern, Grammatik Satzbau, Zeiten

Meine Frage:
It is in the short story about an ant and a grasshopper who talk about the survival of winter. The author is not named. My first impression is that it is a fable where animals talk to each other 2.
This is an ant and a grasshopper. The grasshopper and the ant spoke to asked him why he works so much. The ant thought it would be useful to provide for the winter while the grasshopper just thought that it is unnecessary. Thus, the ant worked on until it was finally winter. The ant had enough to eat but the grasshopper was not the most die from hunger. Now the ant has shared with him. Thus, the grasshopper learned his way forward for the next few days
The bottom line is that man must look into the future or to provide for the winter.

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