Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 23. Nov 2010 23:42    Titel:

Ich hab Dir den Text einfach mal ein wenig korrigiert und ein paar andere gängigere Phrasen mit eingebaut, geändertes hab ich Dir kursiv gemacht:

Let me begin by explaining our poster. We cut out a circle, like the earth. On the background we drew a map of the USA and marked California, because our text is about the Governor of California who is Arnold Schwarzenegger. (Name) tells you more now/will go on now.

First I would like to tell you something about the Kyoto Protocol.
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement which was achieved by the UN United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (in short form UNFCCC). Their aim is to reach the world wide climate change and to reduce or suppress the resulting consequences.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed this new law, in marked contrast to George W. Bush. He refused this Protocol, because he was scared that the American jobs could be lost.

Other business leaders fear that it could hurt the industry in California, and even force businesses to leave. (Wie kann man diesen Satz umschreiben? - Ist doch super so smile )

Thank you for your attention.
Do you have any questions?

Das müsste so hinkommen. Wenn Du noch Fragen hast, schreib mir.
BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Nov 2010 16:25    Titel: Korrekturlesen kurzer englischer text

Meine Frage:
Hallo @all =)

ich muss diesen Mittwoch eine kleine Presentation halten und ich habe einige Schwierigkeiten mit der englischen Grammatik. Ich hoffe ihr könnt mit helfen =)

Meine Ideen:

Let me begin by explaining our poster. We cut out a circle, like the earth. On the background we draw a map from the USA and mark California; because our text is about the Governor from California were Arnold Schwarzenegger. (Name) tells you more now.

First I would like to tell you something about the Kyoto Protocol.
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement which were from the UN United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (in short form UNFCCC), their aim is to reach the world wide climate change and whose consequences to reduce or suppress.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger sign this new law, in marked contrast to George W. Bush. He refused this Protocol; it?s because he was scared about that the American jobs would be lost.

Other business leaders fear that it could hurt the industry in California, and even force businesses to leave. (Wie kann man diesen Satz umschreiben)?

Thank you for your attention.
Do you have any questions?

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