Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 21. Okt 2010 23:53    Titel:

Soll heißen, dass du nicht mehr wirklich eine Antwort brauchst?

Vielleicht noch ein paar Tipps für die Zukunft:
Zu kurze Sätze sind natürlich auch nicht schön - eine parataktische Satzstruktur wirkt meiner Meinung nach unbeholfen, allerdings ist es richtig, dass die Sätze im Englischen im Durchschnitt kürzer sind, als im Deutschen.
Zum Satzbau:
Subjekt, Prädikat, Objekt, Ort, Zeit (die letzten beiden Dinge können auch an den Anfang gesetzt werden). Adverbien vor, bzw. zwischen das Prädikat - oder ebenfalls am Ende oder zu Beginn.
Viel mehr fällt mir da nicht mehr ein.

Kommata sind im Englischen meiner Einschätzung nach nicht ganz so wichtig, wie teilweise im Deutschen.
In der Regel werden längere Nebensätze abgetrennt. Nicht allzukurze Relativsätze mit "which" oder "who" werden mit Komma abgetrennt, Sätze mit "that" grundsätzlich nicht.
Es gibt noch mehr Regeln (die ich alle nicht wirklich kenne), aber das sind fast schon die wichtigsten.

BeitragVerfasst am: 21. Okt 2010 18:28    Titel:

- deleted -
BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Okt 2010 16:12    Titel: English as global language

Meine Frage:
Hallo Leute,
in der 12.1 nehmen wir gerade das Thema "English as global Language" durch und sehr bald werden wir eine Klausur schreiben. Zur Vorbereitung habe ich mich bemüht alle Informationen, die wir im Unterricht erarbeitet haben, in einem zentralen Text zusammenzufassen. Allerdings habe ich Schwierigkeiten mit dem Satzbau; meine Lehrerin used to say:

"write "clear" sentences with a proper S-V-Structure and try not to include to many subordinate clauses. It makes it hard to understand what you mean." .. Kommas bereiten mir ebenfalls Schwierigkeiten(!)

Ich brauche also jemanden, der bereit wär mir zu helfen smile

Meine Ideen:
Once upon a time English developed out of the West Germanic Language in England during the Anglo-Saxon era. Now it has developed to the ?Lingua Franca of the modern era?. Lingua Franca used to enable communication between speakers with different languages. All over the world English is spoken, it has become a ?Global Language?, simply because combined with native and non-native speakers, it is the most common spoken language in the world. Concurrently, it is the result emerged out of the British Empire during the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries as well as out of the military, economic, scientific, political and cultural influence of the USA. Since the mid 20th century, English has become the most important language in the world. Meanwhile, a great number of English dialects as well as various English-based languages have developed. For instance, Pidgin is a simplified language based on English, which is used to enable communication between people who don?t have a language in common. Of course there has been set so-called ?Standards?, which are educated native dialects with wide acceptance, like the ?BBC-English?, based on southern British English, and the ?General American?, based on the mid western American English.
But why do people everywhere learn English, although it is only the third language by number of native speakers? All over the world people are influenced by English, which covers many various domains, where it serves as functional and main language: Due to the fact that sources of knowledge and education like science, engineering (etc.) are expressed in English and 80 per cent of it is available in electronical sources, it may be important to have good English skills as basis to go studying. Besides, the USA is the center of international business, so everybody is nearly required to learn English for being successful, because in today?s professional life good command of English is frequently required, so for being successful it is a must. By looking in the employment advertising school English is not sufficient enough any longer. The fact is that most companies are global represented and operate internationally. That?s why employers mostly expect very good English skills in speech and writing. So without having learned English, someone?s vocational choice would be quite restricted. As the most common spoken language of the world, English also serves as Lingua Franca of intercultural communication as it provides, firstly, a neutral means of communication between its different cultures, (which is the reason why there are so many varieties of English in the world), and secondly, national unity as symbol for local variety. The use of English in newspapers, on radio or television, adds a further dimension. Furthermore, English is the language of international air traffic control, policing and emergency service. As a tourist or emigrant, you would also be required to master the language to communicate with or understand people of various cultures. And due to the fact that English speaking people are almost in every place, in case of emergency, English will definitely be helpful. As regard to its global dimension, how the English language is taking over the world, it comes to the question if we should rejoice. In first place, business leaders rejoice by selling their English language as British product its demand is growing exponentially. But with regard to the British culture, it is questionable if their tradition will survive. For instants, English learners, at the beginning of English globalization, imagine a traditional British man and only he is able to teach speaking ?real proper? English, that?s how it used to be. Meanwhile, the suspicion of good and bad teachers is gone, it has become intercultural, it doesn?t matter whether the teacher is Asian or typical British. As terms of the growing spread of ?English as Global Language?, on the one hand, we should rejoice the wide acceptance of English, making the world more and more uniform as communication gets easier from one day to another, on the other hand, by the fact that around half of 6000 spoken languages around the world may die, people should stop to rejoice. If languages die, systems of concepts, perceptions and ways of thinking, beliefs, assurance and value systems die as well. Not only the languages of different countries become extinct, even entire cultures and dialects within its countries may die. As more English is taking over the world as more the world grows together to a ?global village?, which isn?t comparable with ?home?. Home has more meaning: Every single place on earth has its own atmosphere and uniqueness, like every human being is an individual person.

The Circle of World English gives us a better understanding of the use of English in different countries:
In the ?inner circle? are countries, in which English is the first language (Australia, Britain, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the USA, [Z.A.]), while ?the outer circle? only includes countries where English is not the native tongue but is important for historical reasons and governance (India, South Africa, Philippines, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Tanzania etc.). Finally, the ?expanding circle? includes those countries where English is widely used as foreign language or lingua franca (most of Europe, Japan, Korea etc.).

In the circle of World English, Germany as European country belongs the ?expanding circle?, which includes those countries where English is widely used as foreign language or lingua franca. But how much does English as ?Global Language? influence the German Language? Germans daily come in contact with so-called ?denglish-words?, which appear with increasing frequency. The German system of concepts has been replaced by numerous English words, which cause confusing in syntaxes and German words vanish into oblivion. Already older generations misunderstand or even have no use for them.

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