Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 18. März 2010 15:13    Titel: corrections

Lots of little mistakes:

Therefor is the heading written in capital letters

Therefore the heading is written in capital letters

and reminds of

and reminds one of

It suggests the shopper

It suggests to the shopper

vielleicht the English Grammar quiz here could help:

BeitragVerfasst am: 06. März 2010 09:38    Titel: bitte meine englischen text korrigieren :)

wir müssen in englisch eine analyse zu einem werbeplakat schreiben,
ich wäre echt dankbar wenn jemand meinen text mal korrektur lesen könnte danke smile

Complete analysis:

The following analysis is about an advertisement, which promotes 'The New Baconator' from the company Wendy's.

The advertisement is divided into three parts: a big picture of the burger in the middle, the headline above and below a second headline and additional information.
The company uses many rhetorical figures and other tricks to raise the attention of customers. Therefor is the heading written in capital letters, the colour of the backround is red and the picture of the product is very big. According to that their burger is called 'baconator', which is a metonymy of bacon and reminds of the Terminator. Furthermore the company has the strategy to personificate the 'baconator': 'it can sense fear'. The message is easy to remember, because of the use of many ellipsis, like 'Careful.' or 'Just make sure you're prepared...', and alliterations: 'fresh, never frozen'. With a view to 'AIDA' there is also another thing fullfilled: interest. This slogan of the campagn is a garanty and a promise to the customer of the quality of the 'Baconator'. It suggests the shopper, that the food is healthy an so an 'enrichment' for his life. The next point is the desire: 'the baconator is coming soon' increases the desire for the baconator because of the given time-release.
And last but not least the call to action: 'order it'.
The imperative is used to make the people buy the product and this is actually the most important AIDA point.

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