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Stefan S
BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Sep 2009 22:59    Titel: Antwort^^

Danke vielmals.
Ja, kann ich verstehen.
Den Ratschlag werde ich annehmen, danke nochmal^^.
BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Sep 2009 20:40    Titel: Re: Essay - English as a global language

Naja, dies ist ein relativ langer Text mit vielen Ungenauigkeiten - dafür findet sich nicht unbedingt jemand innerhalb von zwei Tagen, der die Zeit und Lust hat, dies zu korrigieren.

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Gruß smile

Stefan S hat Folgendes geschrieben:

English is well on its way to become the dominant global language. Is this a good thing?

A language which is spoken internationally is a global language. A living global language has a large number of speakers, a substantial fraction of non-native speakers and has an official status in several countries. A global language is used for example in international negotiations and so on Du benutzt die Sprache ja IN Verhandlungen. Global languages in this sense are the six official languages of the UN. These are Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic. These six languages are very important for living in a modern world "These" im Plural benutzen. It is often claimed that German is a global language, but that’s not true. German isn’t a global language, but German complies with the requirements, too Das ist für mich inhaltlich seltsam: Entweder, es erfüllt die Kriterien, dann ist es eine "global language", oder es erfüllt sie nicht, dann ist es keine. Evtl. ein Satz, dass Deutsch ein bisschen zu "klein" ist?. According to the latest statistics, German is the tenth most spoken language of the world.
Firstly I would like to say that English is an important language these days. English is for example very important for international politics "policy" ist eher ein Aktionsplan, du meinst wohl eher allgemeine internationale Politik. It is used for negotiations, commendations, etc. In addition, English is spoken by 350 million people as their first language. But there are more important languages, too. Chinese is spoken by 600 million people as a first language. And 745 million more people speak Chinese. But I think English is the global language. 66 percent of the world population speak English regularly. English is important for the career and the economy, for example.
To my mind you can say that it is good that English became the dominant global language. In school, for example, all students learn English. When the president would say: “English must go and Chinese come” then I say: “Nobody speaks Chinese”. After the second world war, English has become a global language Nach deiner Definition wurde Englisch zur Weltsprache mit dem British Empire, nicht erst so spät. In this time it became important to speak English. And so, English became more advertence and finally, it become the global language. The way I see it is irresponsible to deny the disposal of English as language. Mir ist nicht klar, was du mit diesen beiden Sätzen sagen willst. "Advertence" klingt da irgendwie seltsam und warum sollte jemand sagen, dass Englisch nicht verwendet wird?
I claim that English is the global language. Many western industrial countries' populations (USA, Canada, Great Britain or Australia) are speaking English. Many technological inventions come from these countries, so English has imerged as the lingua franca of science and this is a reason why English is the global language, too. Ein Vorschlag, der beschreibt, wie wichtig Englisch in der Wissenschaft ist - das wolltest du doch sagen, oder? For example computer or keyboard, these are English words. Often, music is in English, too.
But there are other global languages, too. For example Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish. And these are teaching, too. Der Satz ergibt keinen Sinn, da Sprachen nicht lehren können. Ferner ist die Sprache Spanisch eben "Spanish"
In Germany a few people speaking these languages, but in other countries, there are other peoples Dass es in anderen Ländern andere Leute gibt, ist wohl klar, der Nachsatz muss also entweder umformuliert werden oder verändert werden . Why is English the global language and not Spanish? English is a Germanic language. I think in contrast to Spanish English is easier to learn."to"+INFINITIV In the 1950th English became the global language and in the years after these, many English words were taken over by other languages. I don’t know a Spanish word that was taken over in German. This background is an important reason why English become the dominant global language. Da bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob man dazu wirklich "background" sagen würde.
This incident serves to illustrate how important is English for us today. We hear some English words day by day. The television is a striking example of the role of English. We need English in our lives, day by day. That is why English is the global language.
In conclusion I would like to say that it is very favourable that English became the dominant global language. We lived and live with English, we need it every day, we speak it every day, automatic or consciously, and we read it. It is good that English is on the way to become the dominant global language. Widerspruch zu deiner Aussage oben, Englisch wäre bereits die dominanteste Weltsprache, also schlechthin "die" Weltsprache. Even if Arabic, for example, is important today, English considering “the position”. Den Satz verstehe ich wieder nicht.
Yes, it is a good thing when English becomes the global language. s.o.
Stefan S
BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Sep 2009 09:04    Titel: Frage

Kurze Frage: Soll jetzt nicht unhöflich klingen^^ aber kommt bis morgen noch was oder so? Weil ich brauch das echt dringenst!!!
Stefan S
BeitragVerfasst am: 16. Sep 2009 17:44    Titel: Essay - English as a global language

Hallo Leute,
ich habe ein Problem. Ich muss in Englisch am Freitag einen Text abgeben, und bin leider überhaupt kein Experte für Sprache, Rechtschreibung und Grammatik. Könntet ihr evt. mal über meinen Text schauen und Fehler korrigieren? Ich wäre euch dafür sehr dankbar.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

English is well on its way to become the dominant global language. Is this a good thing?

A language which is spoken internationally is a global language. A living global language has a large number of speakers, a substantial fraction of non-native speakers and has an official status in several countries. A global language is used for example by international negotiations and so on. Global languages in this sense are the six official languages of the UN. This are Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic. This six languages are very important for living in a modern world. It is often claimed that German is a global language, but that’s not true. German isn’t a global language, but German comply with the requirements, too. According to the latest statistics, German is the tenth most spoken language of the world.
Firstly I would like to say that English is an important language these days. English is for example very important for the international policy. It is used for negotiations, commendations, and so on. In addition, English is spoken by 350 million people as the “first language”. But there are more important languages, too. Chinese is spoken by 600 million people as the “first language”. And other 745 million people spoken Chinese. But I think English is the global language. 66 percent of the world population speak English regularly. English is important for the career and the economy, for example.
To my mind you can say that it is good for the world that English become the dominant global language. In school, for example, all students learn English. When the president would say: “English must go and Chinese come” then I say: “Nobody speak Chinese”. After the second world war, English has been come a global language. In this time it was important to speak English, firstly. And so, English become more advertence and finally, it become the global language. The way I see it is irresponsible to deny the disposal of English as language.
I maintain that English is the global language. The western industrial countries population (USA, Canada, Great Britain or Australia) speaking English. Many technologically inventions come from this countries, so the introduction is in English and this is a reason why English is the global language, too. For example computer or keyboard, these are English words. Often, music is in English, too.
But there are other global languages, too. For example Chinese, French, Russian and Spain. And these are teaching, too.
In Germany a few people speaking this languages, but in other countries, there are other peoples. Why is English the global language and not Spain? English is a Germanic language. I think in contrast to Spain English is easier to learning. In the 1950th English become the global language and in the years after this years, many English words are taken over in other languages. I don’t know a Spanish word it was taken over in German. The background is an important reason why English become the dominant global language.
This incident serves to illustrate how important is English for us today. We hear some English words day by day. The television is a striking example of the role of English. We need English for our live, day by day. That is why English is the global language.
In conclusion I would like to say that it is very favourable that English become the dominant global language. We lived and live with English, we need it day by day, we speak it day by day, automatic or consciously, and we read it. It is good that English is on way to become the dominant global language. Even if Arabic, for example, is important today, English considering “the position”.
Yes, it is a good thing when English become the global language.

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