Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 25. März 2013 21:45    Titel:

Naja, Beweise für eine Weltreise sind vermutlich nicht ganz so einfach - man kann natürlich ein Abbild des Passes mit den Stempeln machen, aber ob das in irgendeiner Form interessant ist, weiß ich nicht. Mit den "Beweisen" sind wohl eher Arbeitszeugnisse, etc. gemeint.

Mein Tipp: Wende dich doch direkt (evtl. über Facebook) an Studierende deines Wunschstudiengangs. Die sind ja reingekommen, vielleicht können die dir besser helfen.

Für den Letter of Motivation denke ich musst du nichts ganz spezielles beachten - nur zu lang sollte er nicht sein.

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. März 2013 21:37    Titel:

Hallo, ich weiß nicht ob dieses forum noch aktiv ist,
aber ich würde mich gerne für 2014 für IB in Maastricht bewerben, ich weiß das ist noch ein bisschen hin, aber da ich bald auf Weltreise gehe, muss ich mich vorher schon um die Bewerbung kümmern.

Ich möchte UNBEDINGT an diese Uni, könnt ihr mir irgendwelche Ratschläge geben worauf man achten sollte?

Also meine Frage nun:
Habt ihr irgendwelche tipps was unbedingt in den LoM sollte?
Die Universität schätzt die Internationalität der Studenten ja sehr, was hattet ihr da vorzuweisen? ( Ich hab zb 2mal einen 1monatigen Austausch gemacht + Weltreise + Freiwilligenarbeit) Reicht so etwas? Wie hoch sind dort die Anforderungen? Und woher bekomme ich "proof", dass ich zb auf Weltreise war (man soll da ja alles nachweisen können)
Vielen vielen Dank schonmal! :)
BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Feb 2011 00:11    Titel:

PhilippaS. hat Folgendes geschrieben:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am currently a student of the XY in Cologne, graduating this summer.
I hereby wish to express my interest for a place in your Bachelor of Arts programme in International Management starting this autumn.

During the last years I developed great interest for foreign countries, their languages and their cultures. Therefore in 2007 I went to Barcelona for nine months to an official High School to learn Spanish.
There I had to learn how to get along in an unknown city without speaking the native language and without any help by people I know. At the beginning it was difficult, but I soon discovered my love for this country and after three months I spoke Spanish fluently.

After this great experience I learned to be very flexible, to cope with all kinds of situations and also to manage problems well.
Now I am keen on deepening my English and Spanish and learning more languages.

Through your website I was able to learn about ISM University and I am convinced that your degree programme “International Management” applies to me because, amongst others, I have a deep passion in discovering about the social, cultural, political, economic processes in the world. Mein Bauchgefühl sagt mir, dass das so nicht geht. Das "about" scheint mir irgendwie fehl am Platz. Leider kann ich das nicht besser begründen. For me it is very important to learn more about foreign cultures and mentalities to understand global developments.
I am a flexible, self-confident person who enjoys working in a team, organizing events and solving problems. For this reason my wish to apply to ISM strengthened. Meiner Meinung nach korrekt, aber irgendwie etwas gestelzt. Als Freund von "Thus" hätte ich diesen Satz vermutlich so begonnen, aber so ganz brilliant ist das auch nicht.

It is my ambition to be very successful at my studies in order to develop a career that leads to working across the world.
Thank you very much for considering my request. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully, sincerely, wenn man den Namen kennt, sonst faithfully
BeitragVerfasst am: 15. Feb 2011 21:50    Titel:

Hey, ich möchte mich für den Studiengang International Management bewerben und habe einen Letter of Motivation verfasst.

Es wäre sehr lieb, wenn ihr mal drüber schauen könntet und wenn einem etwas auffällt, dann schreibt mir bitte!

Vielen Dank schonmal!

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am currently a student of the XY in Köln and this summer I am going to graduate.
I hereby wish to express my interest for a place in your Bachelor of Arts programme in International Management starting this autumn.

During the last years I developed great interest for foreign countries, their languages and their cultures. Therefore in 2007 I went to Barcelona for nine months to an official High School to learn Spanish.
There I had to learn how to get along in an unknown city without speaking the native language and without any help by people I know. At the beginning it was difficult, but I soon discovered my love for this country and the after three months I spoke Spanish fluently.

After this great experience I learned to be very flexible, to cope with all kinds of situations and also to manage problems well.
Now I am keen on deepening my English and Spanish and learning more languages.

Through your website I was able to learn about ISM University and I am convinced that your degree programme “International Management” applies to me because amongst others I have a deep passion in discovering about the social, cultural, political, economic processes in the world. For me it is very important to learn more about foreign cultures and mentalities to understand global developments.
I am a flexible, self-confident person who enjoys working in a team, organizing events and solving problems. For this reason my wish to apply to ISM strengthened.

It is my ambition to be very successful at my studies in order to develop a career that leads to working across the world.
Thank you very much for considering my request. I am looking forward for hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,
BeitragVerfasst am: 01. Jan 2010 19:11    Titel:

Hey ihr beiden!
Ja ich wurde angenommen Big Laugh Hab aber auch noch einiges geändert und verbessert.
Viel Glück bei eurer Bewerbung und liebe Grüße!
Stephan und Helen
BeitragVerfasst am: 30. Dez 2009 12:34    Titel:

Hallo Alice,
wir sitzen gerade an unserer Bewerbung für IB in Maastricht und am verzweifeln, bei dem was du mit deinem Motivationletter vorgelegt hast.

Wir fragen uns ob du mit dem Motivationletter angenommen wurdest oder nicht!?

Du würdest uns wirklich helfen!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Stephan und Helen
BeitragVerfasst am: 11. Nov 2008 20:06    Titel:

Vielen Dank. Das hat mir schon sehr geholfen!!
Danke, danke, danke!! smile
BeitragVerfasst am: 11. Nov 2008 19:13    Titel: Re: Letter of Motivation-International Business

Ich habe mich mal auf die Sprache fokussiert und einige Anmerkungen dazugeschrieben. Hoffentlich habe ich mich dabei nicht vertan...

Zur Struktur kann ich nicht viel sagen, ebenso wenig zur Vollständigkeit. Insgesamt scheint diese aber in Ordnung, außer der eine, plötzliche Themensprung (ist angemerkt).


PS: In grün meine Vorschläge, in rot die Fehler und in Orange alles in der Mitte Augenzwinkern .

Alice hat Folgendes geschrieben:

Dear Madam or Sir,

I hereby wish to state my interest for a place in your Bachelor of Science program in International Business.

Currently I am living in Solingen, Germany, where I attend the last year of a high school with a high reputation, intending to pass my A-Levels in June next year. Irgendwie klingt das sehr nach einer direkten deutschen Übersetzung. Ich hab's mal abgeändert, bin aber nicht sher zufrieden.
After this I directly want to take on my studies at Maastricht University. Wenn du die obige Formulierung (oder eine ähnliche) wählst, kannst du das etwas kürzen. Statt "After this" kann man vielleicht auch andere Adverben benutzen, aber ich glaube, die klingen zu gestelzt. Ferner habe ich noch einen Umformulierungsvorschlag gemacht. So ist's meiner Einschätzung nach geläufiger.

Concerning my future career I intend to achieve the Bachelor of Science, followed by the Master of Science in International Business. It is my aim to work in an international company, such as an investment bank or a consultancy.

In order to achieve this goal, preparations for working in the Finance, Investment, Consulting and Strategy departments of international corporations or furthermore help in setting up my own business are required."For..." ist für mich eine Konstruktion, die ich ungern an den Satzanfang stelle. Ich glaube zwar, dass es nicht falsch ist, aber ich persönlich würde mit "In order to" umschreiben.

I found out about Maastricht University in school, by visiting the homepage and the Open Day in 2007 and 2008 and felt very confident that this will help me in achieving my goals and preparing myself for the working life. "working life" ist mEn geläufiger.

Another reason for applying to Maastricht University is that I would like to study abroad in order to get to know students with other cultural backgrounds and from foreign countries. I am of the opinion that it is very important to learn more about foreign cultures and mentalities to understand global developments.

I am also very interested in the “Problem Based Learning” system. I think it is a good way to prepare myself for the future and show my skills in a small group of students Da ist mir nicht ganz klar, was du sagen willst. Für mich besteht kein Zusammenhang zwischen den beiden Hauptsätzen. I settle in easily and adjust quickly to working with a new team as I am open-minded, outgoing and adaptable Das hört sich in meinen Augen nicht gut an. "adaptable" heißt für mich, dass du "anpassbar" bist - im Sinne von Objekten. Du willst aber sagen, dass du dich gut anpassen kannst. Entweder du belässt es mit dem Satz oben, oder du formulierst es um. Furthermore I am very motivated in finding solutions for different problems.

My choice of school was concentrated on a bilingual importance ?? Woher der Themenwechsel? Der Satz hört sich auch ingesamt nicht so gut an... Ich würde eher etwas sagen wie: "My first priority in choosing my current school was its offer of bilingual lessons..

My English can be called fluent, because of this intensive language concentration in school. Not only English, but Politics, Geography and History were thought in English to achieve a higher standard and better opportunities.
I was born in Germany, but I am of Polish citizenship, therefore my language skills in these languages can also be described as native. Suggeriert, dass du dein Englisch als "native speaker" betrachtest. Vielleicht ein bisschen zu viel?

In 2007 I achieved my qualification of Latin and started learning Dutch in October 2008 as a preparation for my future studies.

In 2003 and 2004 I spent, in each case, three weeks abroad in England, Bournemouth. It was a language holiday with school every day. These exchange weeks helped me to improve my English skills and made me more mature.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I am looking forward for hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully, (du kennst den angeredeten nicht beim Namen)
BeitragVerfasst am: 09. Nov 2008 11:15    Titel: Letter of Motivation

Hi. Ich möchte im nächsten Jahr anfangen, in den Niederlanden, International Business zu studieren. Könnte sich jemand freundlicherweise mal meinen LoM durchlesen. Ich wäre wirklich sehr dankbar dafür. smile


Dear Madam or Sir,

I hereby wish to state my interest for a place in your Bachelor of Science program in International Business.

Currently I am living in X, Germany, where I attend the last year, learning for my A-Levels at school, which is a high school, covering 5th to 13th grade with a high reputation.

My estimated graduation will be in June 2009, after which I directly want to attend to Maastricht University.

Concerning my future career I intent to achieve the Bachelor of Science, followed by the Master of Science in International Business. It is my aim to work in an international company, such as an investment bank or a consultancy.

For achieving this goal, preparations for working in the Finance, Investment, Consulting and Strategy departments of international corporations or furthermore help in setting up my own business are required.

I found out about Maastricht University in school, by visiting the homepage and the Open Day in 2007 and 2008 and felt very confident that this will help me in achieving my aim and preparing myself for the work life.

But another reason for applying to Maastricht University is that I would like to study abroad in order to get contact to students with other cultures and from foreign countries. I am of the opinion that it is very important to learn more about foreign cultures and mentalities to understand global developments.

I am also very interested in the “Problem Based Learning” system. I think it is a good way to prepare myself for the future and show my skills in a small group of students. I settle in easily and adjust quickly to working with a new team as I am open-minded, outgoing and adaptable. Furthermore I am very motivated in finding solutions for different problems.

My choice of school was concentrated on a bilingual importance.

My English can be called fluent, because of this intensive language concentration in school. Not only English, but Politics, Geography and History were thought in English to achieve a better standard and better opportunities.
I was born in Germany, but I am of Polish citizenship, therefore my language skills in these languages can also be described as native.

In 2007 I achieved my qualification of Latin and started learning Dutch in October 2008 as a preparation of my future studies.

In 2003 and 2004 I spent, in each case, three weeks abroad in England, X. It was a language holiday, with everyday school. These exchange weeks helped me to improve my English skills and made me more mature.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I am looking forward for hearing from you soon.

Your´s sincerely,


Fehlt noch etwas?
Ist die Struktur in Ordnung?
Sprache... etc. Danke smile

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