Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 31. Jul 2008 19:02    Titel: Inhaltsangabe!

ich muss über das Buch "On the Klondike Trail" eine Inhaltsangabe über jedes kapitel machen.

Ich habe mal kapitel 2 und 3 gemacht, aber ich weiß nicht ob es in der richtigen Zeit ist.

Könnte einer oder könnt ihr mir dass so machen dass es stimmt?

Kapitel 3
When Willy has gone for a walk in Stagway, he had hunger, he went to a restaurant, there he was attacked. Now Willy had no more $ and was sad. When a policeman saw him, he explain Willy who this bandit was. Then the ways from the both separated. Willy is sitting on a log and looking across the blue-gray water. There he saw a small boat. Willy runs to the boat and asked whether he can help. Jack and Lucy, the masters take him with. They became friends and transport the luggage of the people to Sheep camp.

Kapitel 4
Willy has spent the night in the restaurant, there he works with Jack and Lucy for Mrs. Stewarts and earned some money. Willy wants to find his vater and uncle Al in Klondike. To earn more money Jack has promised a man called Mike to transport his luggage of Sheep Champ to Chilkoot Pass.

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