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BeitragVerfasst am: 30. Mai 2008 15:33    Titel:

" In England aren´t many bins. "

ich denke, das erste Argument sollte immer ein schlagkräftiges sein, wenn du einen Vergleich schreibst, daher ist das mit den Mülleimern eher ungünstig...

"This was a big problem for me, because I had to walk with my rubbish."

Verallgemein das Problem eher, denn du bist sicher nicht der einzige, der daran "leidet".

"Nevertheless England is cleaner than Germany."

Wie denn das? würde die Lehrerin fragen, da es im Gegensatz zu dem oben geschriebenen steht.

"The cars in England doesn´t come from the right side, they come from the left."

The Cars...don't...

"So an accident can happen with a car."

besser: you have to concentrate more when starting to drive in England as it is not usual to people from the European continent.

"Also I found it strangely that the houses in England are very old."


"The sights in England are very beautiful and I can see very many sights in England."

schreib etwas detailierter, was es z.b. für Sehenswürdigkeiten und besondere Häuser gibt, damit jemand, der noch nicht in England war, das verstehen kann.

"In Germany are very many Turkish restaurants, but in England are very few of these restaurants."

eigentlich hat England viel mehr Einwanderer als Deutschland, die sind aber meistens aus dem Commonwealth also ehemaligen britischen Staaten....Inder sind z.B. dort sehr häufig! demnach gibts auch viel indisches Essen im Angebot.

hab zwar jetzt mehr inhaltlich korrigiert, hoffe aber, dass ich dir ein bisschen helfen konnte.
BeitragVerfasst am: 29. Mai 2008 11:28    Titel: english text

könntet ihr diesen text bitte auch korrigieren. Danke im Vorraus.

In England I found many differences in comparison to Germany. In England aren´t many bins. This was a big problem for me, because I had to walk with my rubbish. Nevertheless England is cleaner than Germany. The escalators in England pass very deep and the trains are very deep too. A very big problem for many tourists in England is that the traffic is different in England. The cars in England doesn´t come from the right side, they come from the left. So an accident can happen with a car. Also I found it strangely that the houses in England are very old. I thought that England is very advanced and all buildings are new. The sights in England are very beautiful and I can see very many sights in England. In Germany are very many Turkish restaurants, but in England are very few of these restaurants. In England however, are very many Indian restaurants, because there live many Indian people and also English people like Indian food.

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