Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 27. Mai 2008 15:18    Titel:

Do you mean "treatment = what and how you do something with another person" or "threat = to intimidate a person"?

I would asume you mean the former, so let me just give to very generalised statements: First, both have been (and are to some extend until today) disciminated, second, both were seen as savages and were driven out of their homes as their land was used by the colonists.
BeitragVerfasst am: 26. Mai 2008 21:43    Titel: Threatment Black/Aboriginies?!

Hello dear forum;)
i just basically have one question...
what have the threatment of the black people in USA in commen with the threatment of Aboriginies...
I'm exiting of your answers =]

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