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BeitragVerfasst am: 14. Apr 2008 14:33    Titel:

Was hattest du denn für einen Preis pro Zeile angedacht? Big Laugh

Nein im Ernst: Normalerweise erledigen wir hier nicht solche Aufgaben, sondern helfen den Leuten, die sich daran wenigstens selbst schon versucht haben. Nur so lernst du ja auch selbst etwas dabei.
BeitragVerfasst am: 13. Apr 2008 21:27    Titel: englisch ins deutsche

könntet ihr mir bitte diesen text ins deutsche übersetzen?


I shoudln''t have done it.I wouldn't have done it if i'd known what would happen.
But i thought they'd kill me if I didn't do it.It happened yesterday , but it started weeks before .I've always been the odd one out at school.My face is lopsided , my skin's a strange colour and my top lip is almost invisible - that's because my big sister played with matches when she was three and my buggy caught fire with me in it.I don't play sport because the skin on my feet is all funny and even when I'm laughing my face doesn't look happy.I can't do many expressions .It doesn't mean I don't feel things .It was the middle of last term when they started .Spike and his gang , I mean .At first they just called me names - Ugly Face , No Lip - and grabbed my books and threw them over the wall .Maybe it would have stayed like that.If only I'd been thick, or not at school that day , maybe none of this would have happened .
It was Science with Mr Conway . What he does is , he grabs one of you and uses you as an assistant in esperiments .It was my turn that day : I'd been dumb enough to get an A for my last assignment and so he chose me .
Anyway , he'd just started and he struck a match , some stuff caught fire and I screamed.
Well , actually I did more than that - I shouted and ran out of the room . The thing is , I can't remember the fire in the buggy, but Dad thinks my body does.I see a flame and alarm bells ring.I never even go near a barbecue . You have to admit - old Conners didn't make a scene .Just told me later he was sorry and he hadn't been thinking .But from that minute , Spike and his gang had me just where they wanted me .On the way home that afternoon they stopped me and Karl pulled out a box of matches . Luke and Adam pushed me against a fence and Spike grabbed the matches from Karl , struck one and held it up to my face.

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