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BeitragVerfasst am: 13. Apr 2008 20:45    Titel:

lieben lieben dank!!!
Ich bin ein bißchen schlecht, ich weis:-)
Schönes restwochenende noch!!!
BeitragVerfasst am: 13. Apr 2008 19:56    Titel: Re: Questions

Ich habe mal versucht einige Fehler zu verbessern. Du solltest wohl an den Präpositionen arbeiten!


franzi_baby hat Folgendes geschrieben:

In the short story „Dubliners“ we get just a short insight of the life of the narrator, but we can see some development. "to develop" ist ein Verb
He enjoys his childhood by playing Indian battles with his friends. He escapes in his own world when he is playing or reading some American dedective stories. He doesn’t know anything about the real adult life. Ich gehe davon aus, dass er schon weiß, dass sie existiert, aber DARÜBER nichts weiß (to know about)
The narrator knows that when he will be a grown up, he will have to see the real life and make his own, real adventures. Das ist ja wahrscheinlich, dass er aufwächst, also würde ich will-future verwenden. Ein "s" muss dann an "make" nicht mehr dran, weil das zu "will" gehört. So he plans to play turant with his friends and walk to the piegen house. Irgendwie finde ich diese Satzstellung besser. Ich glaube auch, das fällt unter die Regel "never seperate a verb and its object". Zweitens: Was heißt "piegen house"? Ich könnte mir höchstens "pigeon house"="Taubenhaus" vorstellen.
Altought they never arrive at the piegen house, something happens to him that shows him a cruel side of life "grausame Seite" beinhaltet kein Adverb Augenzwinkern , außerdem würde ich bei einer Zeit bleiben. . When they meet the paedophiliac pervers man, it is more than a childish adventure. The man doesn’t touch the narrator, but what he describes about whiping some uncampable boys makes him being frightened of the man. Ich glaube, das wäre so besser
During the short story he (Wer?) smiles at his friend Mahony, he thinks he is an unrespectable boy but in the end he is glad to see him. Ist er froh? Dann so...
BeitragVerfasst am: 13. Apr 2008 18:21    Titel: Questions

Wir lesen gerade "Dubliners" von James Joyce und ich hab da eine kleine Hausaufgabe bekommen. Ich bin in Grammatik eine totale Idiotin und würde mich freuen wenn mich jemand ein bißchen verbessern könnte!!!

Distinguish three Stepps the young narrator takes: Chieldhood, desire to see some life, encounter with journey from innocent childhood to precarios adolscene and show what he experinces

In the short story „Dubliners“ we get just a short insight the life of the narrator, but we can see some develop of him.
He enjoys his childhood by playing Indian battles with his friends. He escapes in his own world when he is playing or reading some American dedective stories. He doesn’t know enythink of the real adult life.
The narrator know, that when he would be a grown up, he had to see the real live and makes his own , real adventures. So he plans with his friends to play turant and walk to the piegeon house.
Altought they never arrive the piegen house, something happend to him that shows him a cruelly sight of the live. When they meet the paeophiliac pervers man, it is more than a childish adventure. The man doesn’t touch the narator, but what he discribes about whiping some uncampable boys, let him fear of the man.
Durring the short story he smiles at his friend Mahony, he thinks he is an unrespectable boy but in the end he is appreciated to see him.

Ganz ganz lieben dank für JEDE Hilfe
Liebe grüße Franzi

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