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BeitragVerfasst am: 11. März 2008 15:42    Titel:

Ich halte das mit dem Verurteilten zwar inhaltlich auch für einen merkwürdigen Satz, aber im Sinne einer Henkersmahlzeit könnte man es schon verstehen. Deswegen hab ich das in meiner Korrektur auch in dem Satz gelassen (nur eben als condemned).
BeitragVerfasst am: 11. März 2008 15:00    Titel:

ok ich seh auch gerade hier schon die probleme ich hab einfach nur die verben z.B. einfach nur übernommen anstatt in die richtige zeit an zupassen.
Zu 14 hast auch irgendwie recht aber ich bin imr sicher, dass der satz 15 so gemeint ist. und wegen mir soll der verurteilte ruhig ein gutes frühstück essen auch wenns en blöder satz ist Zunge raus
BeitragVerfasst am: 11. März 2008 11:40    Titel: Re: Gap Text / Lückentext

dannyville hat Folgendes geschrieben:

1. The prisoner (Gefangener) was led from his cell.
3. The wildlife in the area is quite fascinating.
5. My father knows all about wild birds – it’s his hobby.
6. The computer is capable of making complicated calculations very fast.
7. Thank you fort he kind invitation!
8. Susan does a lot of voluntary (freiwillige) work in her spare time.
10. The lady phoned the Samaritans in despair (Verzeiflung).

achieve – advertise – condemn – experience - health

11. The company has a lot of experienced workers who have worked there for a long time.
12. The childen (have) achieved a lot since they began work on the project.
14. The condemnation (das macht keinen Sinn, vll muss hier healthy rein, aber unten passt condemned auch nicht wirklich) man ate a good breakfast.
15. Smoking is very bad for you. It is unhealthy.

avoid – complain – enter – marry - meet

16. I’d like to meet you sometime next week.
17. The gang enters/entered the bank through a back window.
18. Suzanne and Mike have been married for many years now.
19. I have to make a complaint, I’m afraid.
20. It’s impossible to avoid a car which is travelling so fast.

Bei dir ist noch einiges im Argen, du darfst nicht vergessen, die Verben zu konjugieren. Außerdem musst du dir überlegen, was für eine Wortart das gegebene Wort hat und was für eine Wortart du brauchst. Dazu musst du das entsprechende Wort im Zweifelsfall im Wörterbuch nachschlagen...
BeitragVerfasst am: 11. März 2008 11:40    Titel: Re: Gap Text / Lückentext

Hier mal meine korrigierte Version:

dannyville hat Folgendes geschrieben:
describe – enjoy – fascinate – know - prison

1. The prisoner was led from his cell. (es geht hier ja um die Person)
2. The film gave us a lot of enjoyment. (hier muss das Adjektiv rein)
3. The wildlife in the area is quite fascinating.
4. Please give me an accurate description of the gangster.
5. My father knows all about wild birds – it’s his hobby. (he, she, it - "s" muss mit!)

calculate – desperate – invite – suicide - volunteer

6. The computer is capable of making complicated calculations very fast. (hier besser den Plural benutzen, weil es mehr als eine Berechnung sein dürfte)
7. Thank you for the kind invitation!
8. Susan does a lot of voluntary work in her spare time. (Sie leistet ehrenamtliche Arbeit, nicht verzweifelte Arbeit!)
9. The Samaritans work with people who want to commit suicide.
10. The lady phoned the Samaritans in desperation. (Die Frau ruft nicht freiwillig an, sondern aus Verzweiflung!)

achieve – advertise – condemn – experience - health

11. The company has a lot of experienced workers who have worked there for a long time.
12. The childen have achieved a lot since they began work on the project. (hier kann nicht das Präsens stehen, ich würde eher zum present perfect tendieren)
13. My cousin has just started working for a newly established advertising agency. ("advertising agency" ist die korrekte Übersetzung von Werbeagentur)
14. The condemned man ate a good breakfast. (es geht um den verurteilten Mann)
15. Smoking is very bad for you. It is unhealthy.

avoid – complain – enter – marry - meet

16. I’d like to meet you sometime next week. (es heißt "to like to do sth.")
17. The gang entered the bank through a back window. (auch hier kann nicht die Grundform des Verbs stehen bleiben, entweder heißt es "enters" oder wie ich sagen würde "entered")
18. Suzanne and Mike have been married for many years now. (hier muss definitiv eine Verbform stehen, weil dem Satz sonst das Prädikat komplett fehlt)
19. I have a complaint to make, I’m afraid. (complaint = die Beschwerde)
20. It’s impossible to avoid a car which is travelling so fast. (es heißt "to be impossible to do sth.")

accept – celebrate – finance – promote - surround

21. Bill has worked hard and deserves his promotion to the position of manager.
22. I can’t accept your argument, I’m afraid.
23. The house is set in the most lovely surrounding.
24. The government is in great financial difficulties.
25. We will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary next year. (da es um das nächste Jahr geht, muss eine Zukunftsform benutzt werden)
BeitragVerfasst am: 11. März 2008 02:43    Titel: Gap Text / Lückentext


I have 5 gab texts where I have to fill in 5 words in the correct form (verb, noun adjective, opposited, etc.)

I just want to check my brainless words. I think there are some correct and some others wrong.

I hope you will help me. thx

describe – enjoy – fascinate – know - prison

1. The prison was led from his cell.
2. The film gave us a lot fo enjoyment.
3. The wildlife in the area is quite fascinate.
4. Please give me an accurate description of the gangster.
5. My father know all about wild birds – it’s his hobby.

calculate – desperate – invite – suicide - volunteer

6. The computer is capable of making complicated calculation very fast.
7. Thank you fort he kind invitation!
8. Susan does a lot of desperation work in her spare time.
9. The Samaritans work with people who want to commit suicide.
10. The lady phoned the Samaritans in voluntary.

achieve – advertise – condemn – experience - health

11. The company has a lot of experience workers who have worked there for a long time.
12. The childen achieve a lot since they began work on the project.
13. My cousin has just started working for a newly established advertisement agency.
14. The condemnation man ate a good breakfast.
15. Smoking is very bad for you. It is unhealthy.

avoid – complain – enter – marry - meet

16. I’d like meet you sometime next week.
17. The gang enter the bank through a back window.
18. Suzanne and Mike marriage for many years now.
19. I have a complain to make, I’m afraid.
20. It’s impossible avoid a car which is travelling so fast.

accept – celebrate – finace – promote - surround

21. Bill has worked hard an deserves his promotion to the position of manager.
22. I can’t accept your argument, I’m afraid.
23. The house is set in the most lovely surrounding.
24. The government is in great financial difficulties.
25. We celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary next year.

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