Autor Nachricht
BeitragVerfasst am: 26. Feb 2008 14:54    Titel: Re: Statistik --> bitte Korrektur

Luethien hat Folgendes geschrieben:


The line graph shows the poverty rates divided into three age groups and expressed in percentage points. Ich glaube nicht, dass der Satz so wirklich funktioniert. Daher einfach mal ein Vorschlag It is based on figures provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. The period under review is the years from 1966 to 2002.

There are a blue, an orange and a purple line. The blue one stands for the eldery, meaning those aged 65 and over, the orange one represents the children aged 17 and under and the purple one stands for adults aged 18 to 64. Hier einfach ein Vorschlag. Natürlich sind die Leute über 65 auch "adults", aber vielleicht kann man mit dem Term "elderly"="ältere Leute" einfach den Rentnerstatus noch hervorheben (und darum geht's ja, denke ich).

Im Folgenden machst du etwas, was man so meines Wissens nie machen sollte: Anstatt einfach die Armut der Leute zu beschreiben, beschreibst du die Kurve. So etwas wurde bei uns als schlechter Stil bewertet - weil du von da noch einmal die Armut einführen müsstest.

Außerdem begehst du gleich noch einen Fehler: Ich muss ehrlich sagen, ich habe die Grafik nach deiner Beschreibung leider nicht wiedererkannt. Du beschreibst eigentlich nur die ersten zwei Jahre! Das ist Quatsch, du musst immer (!) Trends beschreiben. Bei der blauen Linie ist das sogar recht einfach. Mathematisch ließe sich vermutlich eine Exponentialfunktion mit negativem Exponenten als Näherungskurve einbauen. Wir starten ziemlich weit oben und dann gehts zuerst recht schnell abwärts und dann immer langsamer. Die zweijährige Stagnationsperiode zwischen 1968-70 (oder so), kann man in dem Zusammenhang nennen - der "schnelle Anstieg" zwischen 66-67 ist aber meiner Meinung nach unwichtig.

Ich habe im Folgenden einfach einmal die ersten paar Sätze ein wenig umgestellt. Vielleicht ist's dadurch schon ein bisschen besser geworden. Inhaltlich habe ich nichts geändert. Einfach nur als Beispiel für dich.

In 1966 the poverty rate for the elderly people was 28 %. The rate increased rapidly until 1967 when it reached its peak at 30 %. Then the graph shows a dramatic decrease of the poverty rate during the next year.

BeitragVerfasst am: 23. Feb 2008 21:45    Titel:

@ MI: wäre nett wenn du trotzdem drüberschauen könntest. fürs lernen ist es ja nie zu spät ... Thumbs up!
BeitragVerfasst am: 21. Feb 2008 21:24    Titel:

Ich fürchte, da warst du etwas zu spät dran. Wenn es dir immer noch helfen würde, dann würde ich morgen mal drüber schauen.

BeitragVerfasst am: 20. Feb 2008 20:15    Titel: Statistik --> bitte Korrektur


ich hab morgen eine wichtige prüfung und habe deshalb zwei texte geübt. es wäre nett wenn jemand drüberlesen würde. (ich mach oft grammatikfehler :-(

bin für jede hilfe dankbar.


hier ist der link zu der statistik:


The line graph shows the poverty rages by three age groups expressed in percentage points. It is based on figures provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. The period under review is the years from 1966 to 2002.

There are a blue, an orange and a purple line. The blue one stands for adults aged 65 and over, the orange one represents the children aged 17 and under and the purple one stands for adults aged 18 to 64.

In 1966 the blue line stood at 28 %. The figures increased rapidly until 1967 when the reach a peak at 30 %. Then they fall dramatically during the next one year. After that they remained stable until 1972 when they were hitting a low of 15 % in 1974. During the next 28 years the figures were subject of big and small variations.

In 1966 the orange line began to decrease from 17 % to 14 % until 1969 where it began to increase slowly till 1975 and remained stable for four years at 16 %. Then the line increased steeply and decreased slightly until 1989. Then there was a repeated increase at 23 %. In 1992 they decreased slightly to 17 % where they began to increase moderately.

In 1966 the purple line began at 11 % and it was a subject to steady variations until 1980 when it began to increase constantly to 13 %. During the next nine years the figures fell down slightly to 11 %. After that, the figures went up to 13 %. Over the next seven years the figures decreased slowly to11 %. In 2000 the line rose up again gradually and levelled off.

Summing up, it can be said that in the sixties the poverty rate by adults aged 65 and over was the highest and the rate by adults aged 18 to 64 the lowest. However during the forty years the rate increased and after the period under review it is higher than the line of the adults aged 65. The poverty rate by children aged 17 and under shows a constantly increase and after the period under review this poverty rate is the highest.


The bar chart shows the development of the rate of unemployment of children and adults aged 15 to 24 in world regions expressed in percentage points. It is based on figures provided by the Global Employment Trends for Youth. The period under review is the years from 1995 to 2005.

The black bars show the rate of unemployment of the year 1995 whereas the red has object the rate of unemployment of the year 2005.

The Middle East and North Africa were able to decrease the rate from 28.7 % to 25.7%. The rate increased insignificantly in East Europe and the former Soviet republic of 0.3 %. South Africa has a similar development in this domain. There the rate increased of 0.6 %.
In comparison to this, the decrease in Latin America and the Caribbean was of 2.2 % higher. The most shocking development is in South-east Asia and the Pacific. During the time under preview the rate of unemployment increased dramatically from 9.2 % to 15.8 %.
One positive result is given by the industrialised countries being able to reduce the number of unemployed person of 2.1 %.
The figures in South and East Asia are quite similar. Both increased. However the increase was not very considerable. In the South it was 0.1 % and in the East 0.3 %.

Summing up, it can be said that the rate of unemployment increased during the time under preview in the most world regions. Especially the bar of South-east Asia and the Pacific shows a big difference between 1995 and 2005. Although there are the Middle East/North Africa and the industrialised countries, which recorded a positive decrease.

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