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BeitragVerfasst am: 14. Feb 2008 17:14    Titel:

Okay, man lernt nie aus...
BeitragVerfasst am: 14. Feb 2008 12:21    Titel:

Chaoshase hat Folgendes geschrieben:
he's beside himself with rage = er ist außer sich vor wut
(steht bei so; mit dem onlinewörterbuch haben wir eigentlich schon in der ausbildung arbeiten dürfen)

wetnurse = Amme (von meiner Englischlehrerin bekommen, steht auch so in den Wörterbüchern drinnen)

Auch wenn das vielleicht im ersten Moment echt komisch klingt, das PONS Großwörterbuch bestätigt das auch beides smile
BeitragVerfasst am: 14. Feb 2008 12:02    Titel: viele fehler drinnen. ich zweifel grade echt an mir grübelnd

dankeschön, dass du dir die mühe gemacht hast und das mal durchgelesen hast.

he's beside himself with rage = er ist außer sich vor wut
(steht bei so; mit dem onlinewörterbuch haben wir eigentlich schon in der ausbildung arbeiten dürfen)

wetnurse = Amme (von meiner Englischlehrerin bekommen, steht auch so in den Wörterbüchern drinnen)

das mit dem Bruder Lorenzo hab ich dann auch gemerkt und das bei mir geändert, dass der ja anders heißt dann im Englischen *g*
BeitragVerfasst am: 13. Feb 2008 18:58    Titel: Re: Romeo und Julia übersetzung

Chaoshase hat Folgendes geschrieben:
At Verona a deep enmity between the Montagues and the Capulets dominates/dominated for many years. Romeo, the son of Earl Montague, sneaks off to a fancy-dress ball at the Capulets. There he meets Juliet, the pretty daughter of Earl Capulet. They dance together and fall in love. Tybalt, the nephew of Earl Capulet, sees Romeo and Juliet and is beside himself bist du sicher, dass es die Redewendung im Englischen so gibt?with rage. He seeks revenge.
Later that evening Juliet’s wet was meinst du mit "wet"? nurse talks to Romeo. She clarifies the identity of Juliet and that she is the daughter of Earl Capulet.
A bit later Juliet cannot sleep and steps onto the balcony. She laments her suffering and is desperate that Romeo is a Montague. Suddenly Romeo appears and asks Julia to marry him tomorrow at monk Lorenzo in meiner Ausgabe heißt der "Friar Lawrence"... du hast das hoffentlich nicht mithilfe einer deutschen Summary erstellt....

Romeo and Juliet get married the next morning. They believe that this strong and deep love brings an end to the conflict of the families.

Later that day Romeo, Mercutio and Tybalt meet each other at the market place of Verona. Tybalt asks Romeo to fight with him but Romeo says no and Mercutio fights with Tybalt. Thereupon Tybalt stabs Mercutio to death. Romeo is blinded by rage and lunges at Tybalt. Finally Romeo stabs Tybalt to death and the Prince decides that Romeo must live in exile at Mantua.

Romeo and Juliet have only there wedding night den Satz verstehe ich nicht. Juliet’s parents decide that Juliet must marry Earl Paris. Juliet begs monk Lorenzo despairingly for his help. Lorenzo gives her a drink besser "potion". With this drink she falls into a very deep sleep.

The next morning the wet nurse finds Juliet. The Capulets land Juliet into the family crypt. There she is supposed to meet Romeo. But Romeo only hears that Juliet is dead. He secures himself immediately a poison and goes to his one and only love. He arrives at the crypt and sits down at Juliet’s side. Slowly he drinks the poison and dies. A few seconds later Juliet awakes and sees that Romeo is dead. After all Juliet stabs herself.

Later the two families meet each other at the crypt and realize that their hate drove Romeo and Juliet till death. The Capulets and Montagues shake hands and the conflicts between the two families are eliminated.

Denke an he,she, it und bleibe bei einer Zeit!
BeitragVerfasst am: 13. Feb 2008 14:39    Titel: Romeo und Julia übersetzung

Hallo ihr lieben, Hilfe Hilfe

ich muss eine kurze Inhaltsangabe zu Romeo und Julia schreiben und nun bin ich mir nicht sicher ob die an der ein oder anderen stelle so korrekt klingt (ich verdreh auch immer mal gerne paar sachen) Eigentlich müsste die so im großen und ganzen aber gehen denk ich

es wäre lieb wenn ihr mir vllt sagen könnt was falsch daran ist!

vielen dank, steffi Hilfe

At Verona dominate a deep enmity between the Montagues and the Capulets for many years. Romeo, the son of Earl Montague, sneak off to a fancy-dress ball from the Capulets. There he meets Juliet, the pretty daughter of Earl Capulet. They dancing together and fall in love. Tybalt, the nephew from Earl Capulet, sees Romeo and Julia and is beside himself with rage. He seeks revenge.
Later that evening Juliet’s wet nurse talked with Romeo. She clarifies the identity of Julia and that she is the daughter from Earl Capulet.
A bit later Juliet can not sleep and step onto the balcony. She laments her suffering and is desperate that Romeo is a Montague. Suddenly Romeo appears and asks Julia to marry him tomorrow at monk Lorenzo.

Romeo and Juliet get married the next morning. They believe that this strong and deeply love brings an end to the conflict of the families.

Later that day Romeo, Mercutio and Tybalt meet each other at the market place of Verona. Tybalt demands Romeo to fight with him but Romeo says no and Mercutio fight with Tybalt. Thereupon Tybalt stabs Mercutio to death. Romeo is blinded by rage and lunge at Tybalt. Finally Romeo stabs Tybalt to death and the Prince decides that Romeo must live in exile at Mantua.

Romeo and Juliet have only there wedding night. Juliet’s parents decide that Juliet must marry Earl Paris. Juliet begs monk Lorenzo despairingly for his help. Lorenzo gives her a drink. With this drink she falls into a very deep sleep.

The next morning the wet nurse found Juliet. The Capulets landed Juliet into the family crypt. There she should meet Romeo. But Romeo only hears that Juliet is dead. He secures himself immediately a poison and goes to his one and only love. He arrived at the crypt and sit down at Juliet’s side. Slowly he drinks the poison and dies. A few seconds later Juliet awakes and sees that Romeo is dead. After all Juliet stabs herself.

Later the two families meet each other at the crypt and realized that their hate drove Romeo and Juliet till death. The Capulets and Montagues shake hands and the conflicts between the two families were eliminated.

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